Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December 13

Today was another study day! Make sure that you are prepared for your finals which begin tomorrow:

1st: 7:25-9:10
2nd: 9:15-11:00
5th: No Exam (11-12) 
7th: 1:05-2:50

3rd: 7:25-9:25
6th: 9:30-11:25

4th: 7:25-9:25
5th: 9:30-11:25

Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12

Today was another review day! Make sure that you are working on your final reviews... you will turn them if you are taking the finals.... or if you choose to exempt!
Here is the link for the review if you need another copy :)

Friday, December 9, 2016

December 9

Today you worked on your final review!!! Remember if you are exempting this final, you still are responsible for completing the review :) 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7/8

Today you took the UNIT 6 TEST! 

You also turned in your packets, and counter-reformation booklets!!! After your test I gave the final review study guide..... make sure that you are diligently working on it! 

We will work on these reviews every day in class up until your final :) 

Homework: Prepare for FINAL!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6

Journal #5:  Do you believe in love at first sight? Why/ Why not?

In Class: Today you finished  up your note packet—pg. 13!!! Before the class I asked you the question was “Henry VIII: hero or villain?” as we learned about him you were to look for evidence to this question; make sure that you answered this question under the 'Preview Question' section on page 13 with at least ONE piece of evidence. 

You had the rest of the class period to finish up the project from yesterday- the Counter-Reformation booklet (this is due next class period along with your packets)


Homework: Catch up day + STUDY! Test next class period!

Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5

Journal:  None

In Class:  Today you created a fold-able booklet all about the 'Catholic Reformation’
**If you were absent I have a handout for you to aid you in your project! 

PROJECT: You will be creating a booklet to teach someone about the Catholic Reformation; You have 5 topics that you will be creating a separate page for each. 

TOPICS: Spanish Inquisition, Council of Trent, Thirty Years War, Jesuits, Edict of Nantes

Each page must have a different format you may choose from the following FORMATS: Written Description, Acrostic Poem, Haiku, Drawing, Rhyming Poem


Homework: Catch up day + get started on study guides!!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Dec 2

Journal #4: If you could change 1 thing about KHS what would it be?

In Class:  Today we learned started learning about the Reformation & Martin Luther! You filled out page 10 (notes) in your packet!

Page 11-95 Theses..... what do you think about the teacher theses? What would you change? 

Page 12-This is a review check > Comic comparing Catholic to Protestant beliefs 


Homework: Catch up day + get started on study guides!!!!!