Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30

Journal #2: If you could change 1 thing about KHS what would it be? why?

In Class: Today we started the Reformation; you filled out page 6 of your note packet and I handed out a worksheet- if you didn't finish it will be homework due Tuesday!

Homework: get your study guides done- your test is in ONE WEEK!!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29

Journal #2: If you could have 1 artistic talent, what would it be? Why? OR What artistic talents do you have? 

In Class: Today we wrapped up the Renaissance finishing up your guided notes on page 5, as well as the map on pages 2-3.  We also did an art gallery walk--- if you were absent come see me to make it up!

Homework:  Get started on your test reviews (pages 8-9 of your packet)
Chapter 16 Lesson 1-2

November 28

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and are ready to finish this semester strong!

Journal #1: If your family was starving would you steal food for them? Why/ why not?

In Class: Today we started a new unit.... THE RENAISSANCE! You filled out pages 4-5 of your packet; if you were absent you can get these notes when you return! You also started on the Renaissance Map (pages 2-3)

Homework: Finish the map in your packet (pgs. 2-3) and Get started on your test reviews (pages 8-9 of your packet)
Chapter 15 Lesson 1-2 + Chapter 16 Lesson 1

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and are ready to finish this semester strong!

Journal #1: If your family was starving would you steal food for them? Why/ why not?

In Class: Today we started a new unit.... THE RENAISSANCE! You filled out pages 4-5 of your packet; if you were absent you can get these notes when you return!

Homework: Get started on your test reviews (pages 8-9 of your packet)
Chapter 15 Lesson 1-2

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17

Journal #3: Would you rather be feared or loved? Why?

In Class: Today we learned about Genghis Khan and the Mongols! We finished your note packet (page 5 and 7) then you turned your packet in!

Homework: I want you to look over your grades for my class.... see what you are missing etc. If you have zero's finish those assignments to turn in to me when you return! I hope you all have a fantastic break!  Enjoy

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16

Journal #1: What is the most valuable resource?

In Class: Today you worked on page 6 of your packet (Tang/Song Review sentences) We also learned about Mansa Musa and you practiced your historian skills! If you were absent you can pick up the Mansa Musa packet from me :) We finished up with page 7 of your packets (Mongols) if you finished your packet you turned it in today! If not you MUST turn it in on Tuesday when we get back from Thanksgiving! 

Homework: If you did NOT turn your packet in, make sure that you finish it and get it turned in on Tuesday Nov 28 :) 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15

Journal #2: What is the most valuable resource? 

In Class: Today we learned about Mansa Musa and you practiced your historian skills! If you were absent you can pick up the Mansa Musa packet from me :) 

Homework: Make sure that pages 2 AND 6 are complete in your packet for class on Friday! 

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13

Journal #1: What do you think of China’s one child policy? Will it help control the population? Should other countries adopt the same policy? 

In Class: Today you turned in  your Islam commerce and travel guide! For the remainder of class you learned about the different Chinese Dynasties in Post-Classical China and filled out pages 3-4 of your note packet.  If you were absent, you will need to come in before school to make this assignment up :) 

Homework: Make sure that pages 2,3,4 of your packets are finished! Chapter 9 Lesson 3 adn chapter 11 Lesson 1

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 10

Journal : None

In Class: Today we started our next unit--- Islam, Classical China and Africa! You worked on the Islam Commerce and Travel guide in class using the provided reading.  If you were unable to finish you may turn it in on Monday for full points (the reading associated with the activity can be found under the unit 5 tab)

Homework: Page 2 of your new packets (Islam Map) and if you didn't finish the assignment in class it needs to be completed by Monday when you will turn it in :) Chapter 9 Lesson 2

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Nov 8/9

In Class: Today was TEST DAY! You turned in your unit 4 packets and took the test :)

Homework: Chapter 9 Lesson 1

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Nov 6/7

Journal: None

In Class:  we played a review game.... hopefully you were in class as it should have been very helpful :)

Next class period you will turn your packets in AND take the test! Your packets should be all the way filled out with the exception of the learning target guide and a handful of journals! 

Homework: STUDY FOR YOUR TEST. STUDY. STUDY. STUDY. **If you use your study guide, you will be VERY prepared for the test! 

Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3

Journal #5: What would happen if half the population died? Would there be any benefits? Downsides?

In Class: Today we went over the Black Plague as well as the Great Schism! You filled out pages 8-9 of your packets.  If you were absent you can find the PowerPoint under the unit 4 tab to finish these pages.  You also worked on a black death worksheet that you turned in at the end of class-- if you were absent you can pick one up on Monday.

Homework: Finish up your reviews! We will be reviewing in class on Monday and your review needs to be finished in order to play the game :)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 2

Journal #5: What would happen if half the population died? Would there be any benefits? Downsides?

In Class: Today we went over the Black Plague as well as the Great Schism! You filled out pages 8-9 of your packets.  If you were absent you can find the PowerPoint under the unit 4 tab to work on your packet.  You also worked on a black death worksheet that you turned in at the end of class

Homework: Finish up your reviews! We will be reviewing in class on Tuesday and your review needs to be finished in order to play the game :)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 1

Journal #4:  Write down all the supplies you would need for a journey

In Class: Today we discussed the Crusades! You worked on a primary source packet (that you turned in at the end of class; if you were absent you may print one out from the blog OR come and get one from me) you also filled out pages 6-7 of your packet. Extra Credit was also due today

Homework:  Get going on your reviews!!! (pgs. 10-13 of your packet) we will be reviewing in class next Monday and your reviews will need to be finished in order to play the game!