Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11/12

Today you prepared for finals! You worked on your final reviews or other homework in class :)
If you need to print another copy of the final review it is posted under the 'class docs' tab

the final exam schedule is posted below: 


2nd 12:11-1:34
1st  1:39-3:02
5th   3:07-4:30

3rd   12:11-2:16
6th    2:25-4:30

4th   11:45-1:41
7th   1:49-3:45

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8

Today in class we had our Holiday Party!

I went over your grades with you and you worked on your final reviews :)

Monday will be the last day for you to work on your reviews in class so make sure that you bring them 


2nd 12:11-1:34
1st  1:39-3:02
5th   3:07-4:30

3rd   12:11-2:16
6th    2:25-4:30

4th   11:45-1:41
7th   1:49-3:45

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 6/7

Today you turned in your Unit 6 Packets and took the TEST!!!

*When you finished you received the final exam review that you will work on in class Friday, Mon, Tues

If you were absent you need to make this up ASAP.....

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 4/5

Journal #4: Do you believe in love at 1st sight?

In Class: Today you complete your packets (page 7)

If you were absent:
 Go to unit 6 tab and click on link
                                             Open PowerPoint ‘Henry VIII + Anglican Church’
                                                   You will use this PowerPoint to finish page 7

You also worked on completing your test review pages 8-9 of their packets

    Homework: Make sure your packet is complete and ready to turn in next class period! YOUR TEST IS NEXT CLASS PERIOD!!!!!

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1

Journal #3: If you could change 1 thing about KHS what would it be? why?

In Class: Today we started the Reformation; you filled out page 6 of your note packet and I handed out a worksheet- if you didn't finish it will be homework due Tuesday!

Homework: If you didn't get your worksheet done finish and turn it in on Monday! Get your study guides done- your test is next WEDNESDAY!!!!