Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31/September 1

Journal: None

In Class: Today is TEST DAY!!!!! You turned your packets in, reviewed a little and took your 1st test in this class :) If you were absent, your packet is due the day you come back to class or else there will be a late penalty.  Come talk to me about when you can make up the test!

Homework: You worked hard this Unit so enjoy your night! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30

Journal: Set one goal for 1st quarter of World History  
In Class: Today we reviewed! We started with your LT guide--- fill out day 4/5.  This will be great review for your going over all of the early civilizations.  EX. If you are filling your review out for Sumeria the following format works great: Mesopotamia,Ur/City-States,Theocracy, Polytheism, pyramid, Cuneiform, wagon wheel.  You will do this for each civilization.  Once we finished the LT we played Kahoot! Yay.  If you want to use it again to review or were absent, here is the link: 

Homework: Study for test! Make sure that packets and reviews are ready to be turned in!

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29

Journal: Why does Hammurabi's code matter today?

In class: Today we explored who Hammurabi was, his law codes, and their effects on society.  We examined the harshness and looked at examples of discrimination.  You also turned in an exit slip (if you were absent come get one from me when you get back!)

Homework: No readings tonight! Catch up on past readings and more importantly your Unit 1 Review! If you lost/misplaced your unit 1 review you can find it under the Unit 1 tab here on the blog :)

**Open House is tonight! Please encourage your parents to come... or else I'll be lonely sitting by myself in my room....alone...bored

Friday, August 26, 2016

August 26

Journal #2: Which civilization contributed the most to our society today? why?

In Class: Today you did your presentations!!!!! As each group presented you filled out the graphic organizer (pgs. 6-7) of your packets.... this will be helpful in studying for your test which is coming up next WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY !!!!!!
Thank you for being so great this 1st week.  I am so impressed with your quality of work and your awesomeness in general :)

Homework: Readings Ch. 3 Lesson 1-2 & UNIT 1 REVIEW.  Make sure that you are getting started on your reviews- the test is next week and you will be turning it on test day! Also: enjoy your weekend of course! Football game and volleyball tonight & cross country this weekend #gomustangs 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 24/25

Journal: None

In Class: Today we made groups that researched 1 of the 7 River Valley Civilizations.  As a group you researched all 6 components of a civilization... Cities, Government, Religion, Social Structure, Writing, Art.  Each topic should have a note card that you will reference when we begin presentations on Friday.  If you were absent, come see me for a make-up assignment :)

Homework: Ch. 2 Lesson 3-5
**DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT.  Your signed disclosure document was due today.  If you haven't turned it in yet, get it to me ASAP

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 23

Journal #1: If you could go back in time and be a part of any event in history, what would it be and why?

In Class: Today we talked about Pre-History & the 1st Civilizations! We filled out your note packet page 4 (if you were absent, you will need to get these notes from a friend) The key points of the day focused on the importance of the Neolithic Revolution.  You also should have your Learning Target for day 2 filled out.

Homework: The back page of your disclosure document is due tomorrow. Reading assignment is Ch. 2 Lesson 1-2.  Make sure that you are filling out the Unit 1 review as you are doing your readings :)

Videos: Here are a few videos we watched in class toady- the 2nd  deals with inferences- as you watch  I want you to think about what inferences are and if we can trust them (are they credible)
*For some reason the 2nd video isn't loading- here is the link
Inference Video

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Welcome to World History!
I am so excited to get this year started :) Please use this blog if you are absent, need to print off a new packet, or need a reminder for what we did in class and what homework you have! I will do my best to update the blog daily----

Journal: None

In class: Today we went over the disclosure document and talked about class expectations.  I also handed out a class syllabus which outlines the topic we will cover as well as HW.  If you misplaced your another can be found here on the blog under the 'class docs' page or on my school website

Homework: Bring back the back page of your disclosure document signed & read Ch. 1 Lesson 1-3 in your books!