Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 23

Journal #1: If you could go back in time and be a part of any event in history, what would it be and why?

In Class: Today we talked about Pre-History & the 1st Civilizations! We filled out your note packet page 4 (if you were absent, you will need to get these notes from a friend) The key points of the day focused on the importance of the Neolithic Revolution.  You also should have your Learning Target for day 2 filled out.

Homework: The back page of your disclosure document is due tomorrow. Reading assignment is Ch. 2 Lesson 1-2.  Make sure that you are filling out the Unit 1 review as you are doing your readings :)

Videos: Here are a few videos we watched in class toady- the 2nd  deals with inferences- as you watch  I want you to think about what inferences are and if we can trust them (are they credible)
*For some reason the 2nd video isn't loading- here is the link
Inference Video

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