Friday, September 30, 2016

Sept 30

Journal #1:  Confucius says “It is difficult to hate and easy to love…” Do you agree with him? Why/why not

In Class: Today we started our new unit... Classical China & India! We talked about the Chinese schools of thought, focusing on Confucius, Legalism, and Daoism/Taoism.  You filled out page 1 of your note packet.  To better understand these principles, we did an activity where you chose your group you were handed a scenario and made me a 'mini-poster' explaining your choice using 1 of the 3 Chinese philosophies discussed in class. 

You also filled out Learning Target for Day 1! 

Homework: Ch. 6 Lesson AND enjoy your weekend :) 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sept 28/29


You turned your packets in, we played a review game and you took the test!!!!! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sept 27

Journal: None

In Class: Today you were crime scene investigators! You worked with 8 artifacts, eye witness testimony, and historical writings to solve the 2000 year old case! If you were absent, you will need to come in during tutor time to make this assignment up :)

Homework: Make sure your packets are finished (LT's filled out all the way) and your review is completed.... the  TEST IS NEXT CLASS PERIOD!

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 27

September 26

Journal #5: Would you have wanted to attend the Gladiator events? Why/why not?

In Class: Today we finished up your packets! (section 5 + 6)
Focusing on the fall of Rome (be able to tell me 3 reasons for the fall) and the culture of Rome!

You filled out day 3 and day 5 of your Learning Target Guide

Homework: Catch up Day!  Make sure that you are working on your review... the test is this block day! 

Friday, September 23, 2016

September 23

Journal: Why are religious groups persecuted? What is an example of this persecution?

In Class: To begin class I gave you 10 minutes to finish up your timelines then you turned them in.

Today we talked about Christianity--- the origins, beliefs and spread; you filled out section 4 of your notes.  Last class we talked about Nero (one of the crazies) You worked on a primary source document reading the background of Nero and then an account written by the Roman historian Tacitus about the persecution the Christians faced (he was a young boy @ this time) If you didn't finish it will be homework and you will turn it in with your packets next Wed/Thurs!

Homework: Ch. 8 Lesson 1-2..... Get going on your reviews!!!! The test is coming up next block day! You will be turning them in with your packets :)

Have a great weekend & good luck to football tonight against Atascocita 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21/22

Journal #3: What is one quality that all good leaders possess? Explain.

In Class: Today we talked about how the Roman Republic morphed into an Empire focusing on the role of Julius Caesar (section 3 of your notes) We also talked about the Emperors of Rome... the good, bad and crazy; come see me for the worksheet if you were absent.  We finished up by getting into groups and creating a timeline chronicling the events that led up to the Empire!


Homework: Ch. 7 Lesson 3

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September 20

Journal: Is war ever justified? Why/why not?

In class: Today we wrapped up the 12 tables activity & discussion, reviewed the Roman Republic, and went over the Punic wars (filled out section 2 of your notes--- pg. 2)

**Make sure LTs are filled out for Day 1 &2!!!

Homework: Ch. 7 Lesson 2----- also get going on your Rome review.... Test is next Wed/Thurs

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19

Journal #1: What do you want your legacy to be?

In Class: Today we started a new unit....ROME!  We filled out section one of your notes, then did an activity about the 12 tables of Rome.  If you were absent, you will need to come in either Wednesday or Thursday tutor time to work on this :)

Homework: Ch. 7 Lesson 1

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sept. 16

journal: None

In Class: Today was test day!!!! You turned your packets in and took the Greek test.... by the looks of it you did a pretty darn good job :)

Homework: Enjoy your weekend.... our next unit is quick so you deserve a little break ;) 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 14/15

Journal: Who is the greatest military leader of all time? Why?

In Class: Today we filled out your Alexander notes! (just do one side... both sides say the same thing:))

We also talked about perspectives, sourcing, primary and secondary sources.  As historians it is your job to look at multiple sources, decide what makes one more believable than another and come to a conclusion about what actually happened!

Today you analyzed 4 sources about Alexander the Great and filled out a worksheet. If you were absent today, you will need to come in during tutor time (Wed/Thurs lunch) to work on this!


Homework: Study for test! Use your review guide... I promise it will help you tremendously! Another help would be your packets--- look through your learning targets, and the stared items

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13

Journal: Who is the greatest athlete of all time? Why?

In Class: Today we learned about the first Olympic games.... who, what, when, where, why. You filled out the Olympic note sheet in your packet.  You also formed city-states and competed in the Kingwood High Olympics! Thank you for your participation & congrats to all our winners :)

Homework: Ch. 4 Lesson 5---- also make sure you are studying for the test and filling out your review sheet! Packets & test due FRIDAY

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12

Journal: How has someone sacrificed for you? How have you sacrificed for someone else?

In Class: Today we learned about the WARS!!!! We filled out your note page 'Persian Players' at the top.  I handed out the comic strip form where you picked a battle and answered questions (if you were absent, you can come and get the form from me)

Homework: Catch up day!!!! Also get started on your reviews... test coming up on FRIDAY!
*if you were unable to finish your comic finish make sure you get it finished so you can turn it in with your packets :)

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9

Journal: None

In Class: Today we had our Socratic seminar! Thank you for your participation, we had some interesting and insightful discussions.  If you were absent, come see me and we will discuss how to make up those points :)

Homework: Ch. 4 Lesson 4

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sept 7/8

Journal: Examine your life: do you like the way you are living? What is your purpose in life?

In Class: Today we covered A LOT of material! You all became citizens of Athens and participated in Greek Democracy by changing one of the class rules for the remainder of the unit!

 We filled out 3 pages of notes- 'Greek Democracy' the venn diagram 'Athenian Democracy & American Democracy' and 'Greek Philosophers & Art'.  If you were absent, you can get the notes from a friend :)  Make sure your LT guide is filled out for day 3! 

The Big take aways today: Greek Democracy & American Democracy--- what do they have in common, what is different? How did the political system evolve into what we have today? 

Homework: Make sure you are prepared for the Socratic Seminar on Friday! You need to read the story & answer questions 1-4!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sept. 6

WELCOME BACK---- I hope that you had an awesome and relaxing holiday weekend

Journal #2: What is the most physically challenging thing you have ever done? 

In Class: Today we learned about the Athenians & the Spartans! You filled out your note packet page 'Athens vs. Sparta'.  When that was finished you created a 2-voice poem comparing the Athenians & the Spartans (ex. below) and filled out your Learning Target for day 2 :) 
*If you had extra time you could have started on the map
Poem Ex. 

Homework: Ch. 4 Lesson 3--- I also handed out the Socratic Seminar reading.  Make sure that you are prepared for Friday! 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Sept 2

Happy Friday! You did a fantastic job on our last unit. I'm really impressed with all of your hard work.  Lets keep it going and have another great couple of weeks

Journal: What is your favorite story of all time?!

In Class: We started a new unit today--- GREECE! We started out learning about the Geography, 1st civilizations and religion.  We filled out the 'Greece: Important Things' page in your packet as well as "Who are we" learning more about the Greek gods.

Homework: Ch. 3 Lesson 3 & LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!! Yay :) Have a fantastic weekend.... and remember there is a reading for Monday (ch. 4 Lesson 1-2)