Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sept 7/8

Journal: Examine your life: do you like the way you are living? What is your purpose in life?

In Class: Today we covered A LOT of material! You all became citizens of Athens and participated in Greek Democracy by changing one of the class rules for the remainder of the unit!

 We filled out 3 pages of notes- 'Greek Democracy' the venn diagram 'Athenian Democracy & American Democracy' and 'Greek Philosophers & Art'.  If you were absent, you can get the notes from a friend :)  Make sure your LT guide is filled out for day 3! 

The Big take aways today: Greek Democracy & American Democracy--- what do they have in common, what is different? How did the political system evolve into what we have today? 

Homework: Make sure you are prepared for the Socratic Seminar on Friday! You need to read the story & answer questions 1-4!

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