Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28

 Today we started our new unit COLD WAR! You got your new packets + reviews

Journal #1: What fears do the American public have today?
In Class:  We started our Cold War game (extra credit opportunity) You drew which team you would be on for our class competition (US or USSR) if you were absent, you will find out on Monday! 
-          Ways to earn points:
A. 1 point for each student who is in class on time. -1 point for every tardy student.
B. 1 point for each student who completes tasks and homeworks

-          C. Various points awarded for class competitions.

-          D.Extra credit for each student who brings a 1950s food/dish on May 3/4.
I'm not expecting main dish meals--pick a drink or appetizer or dessert or your Grandma's classic Jell-O dish.

-          E. Extra credit for each student who comes to class dressed in 1950s style on May 3/4. *Dont’ forget about Greasers!

Please note: I'm not expecting you to go all out or spend a lot of money on these last two point opportunities. This is supposed to be a fun way to get into the decade and compete.
You started your new Note Packet: pages 1 (SECTION 1 OF NOTE PACKET)  and you completed the Comparing Economies worksheet (if absent you can pick one up Monday)

Homework: Chapter 31 Lesson 2

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25

Journal: No Journal

In Class:  Today in class we went over the war Results; you filled out your Note Packet: page 13-14 (SECTION 10 OF NOTE PACKET).  We also finished Parallel Journey's in class.  You took a quiz and turned in your reading logs :) 

Homework: Prepare for TEST! Your test is next class period, so please make sure that you have prepared; we will play a short review game prior to taking the test. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24

Journal #7: How should we deal with spies and people who commit treason against the US?  

In Class:  Today in class we wrapped up WWII and discussed the Nuremberg trials; you filled out your Note Packet: page 13 (SECTION 9 OF NOTE PACKET) Your PJ reading log was checked off and we did a Nuremburg Trials Activity on page 17 in your packets; if you were absent, you will need to come in before school/during tutor time to complete this activity. 


Homework: Prepare for TEST! Your test is coming up this week, so please start reviewing :) 

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21

Journal #6: When do you think the use of Atomic bombs is appropriate?  

In Class:  Today we went over the development of the A Bomb; you filled out your Note Packet: page 12 (SECTION 8 OF NOTE PACKET) and I checked off your Parallel Journey reading logs. We also did an activity using Primary sources to better understand the opposing views behind the development of the A-bomb; if you were absent, come and see me Monday for the make-up assignment. 

Homework: Parallel Journeys chapter 22

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19/20

Journal #5: What are the Consequences of Inaction 

In Class:  Today we learned about the Holocaust; you each represented someone who experienced this horrible event in history and at the end of class found out your fate. You filled out your Note Packet: pages 11-12 (SECTION 7 OF NOTE PACKET) Chapter 17-18 of your readings were checked off and you took PJ quiz #2. 


Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 19-21

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18

Journal #4: I want you to think of a time you were made fun of for the way you looked, talked, acted, dressed, or for your gender, race, age, etc.
         When was it?
         What happened?
         How did it make you feel
In Class:  Today we talked about the Home-front; you filled out your Note Packets: pages 9-10 (SECTION 6 OF NOTE PACKET) We learned about how the average American contributed to the war efforts, the efforts of minority groups and the Japanese internment camps.  I will post a video about the internment camps below.

Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 17-18

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17

Journal #3: Tell me everything you know about the attack on Pearl Harbor
In Class:  Today we went over America Moves to War + Pearl Harbor; you filled out your note Packet: pages 7-9 (SECTION 5 OF NOTE PACKET).  Your PJ readings ch. 10-14 were due and checked off and you worked on 'FDRs 1st fireside chat' page 16 in your packets.  The following link is the audio clip of FDR responding to Pearl Harbor (


Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 15-16

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12

Journal: None
In Class:  Today we talked about some of the major  Battles of WWII and filled out your Note Packets: pages 6-7 (SECTION 4 OF NOTE PACKET) I checked off your PJ readings AND you recieved your test reviews! (if you were absent come see me for a review! If you lose it.... you start with a blank one!) You also filled out page 15 in your packets (battles of WWII) 

You also took your first Parallel Journeys Quiz!!!!! If you were absent you MUST make this quiz up no later than TUESDAY!


Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 10-14 (because there is no school Friday- Friday + Monday readings will be checked off Monday) 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11

Journal #2: Use the following cartoon to answer the 3 questions: 
1.Who is this artist of this cartoon?
2.The leaders of what 2 countries are depicted in the drawing?
3.What is the cartoon attempting to get people to do?
In Class:  Today we started the War in Europe; you filled out your  Note Packet: pages 3-4 (SECTION 2 OF NOTE PACKET) 
We also discussed chapters 5-6 of Parallel Journeys and checked off your reading logs! To finish class we analyzed some political cartoons from the time period! 


Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 7-9

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10

Journal #1: What makes someone a dangerous leader?
In Class:  We worked on your Note Packet: pages 1-3 (SECTION 1 OF NOTE PACKET)

Chapter 4 readings due 


Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 5-6
**Remember if you were absent for the Unit 11 test, you MUST make the test up by Wednesday April 12th!!!!!

April 7

Sorry I wasn't here on Friday- I was at the regional semifinals soccer game! If you were absent here is what you missed:

·       You filled out section 3 of your note packet (pages 4 + 5)--- directions to  access the PowerPoint below
o   Click Unit 12: WWII on the right hand side
o   Click on the link ‘Packet, Review, etc’
§  PowerPoint Day 3 Nationalist Movements

·         You worked ‘Speeches + Promises of Adolph Hitler’ this will be and turned in on MONDAY.
o   If you were absent they are on the front table

·         Parallel Journeys readings were due (chapters 1-3) 

·         Homework: CHAPTER 4 is DUE MONDAY

**Remember if you were absent for the Unit 11 test, you MUST make the test up by Wednesday April 12th!!!!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5/6

In Class:
Today was test day! you turned your packets in with test review + grading rubric and you took your test! 

I also handed out 'Parallel Journeys' along with the reading log.  You had the remainder of class to start your readings! By Friday chapters 1-3 need to be read :) 
**If you were absent Wednesday I suggest you come in tomorrow (Thurs) to get a book from me so you won't be behind on the readings! 

Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 1-3 by FRIDAY!!!!! (Remember to be filling out your reading logs)

**Remember if you were absent for the Unit 11 test, you MUST make the test up by Wednesday April 12th!!!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4

Journal: None

In Class:  Today you finished up your 14 Points/Treaty of Versailles worksheet; and turned it in! If you didn't turn it in, make sure that you get it to me ASAP! We used the remainder of class to prepare for your test next class period! Please make sure that your packet is complete, and your test review is filled out! 


Homework: Study for TEST!!!!! Test is the next class period

Monday, April 3, 2017

April 3

Journal #6: How do you resolve conflicts in your life?

LECTURE: In class we went over the end of WWI ie. Wilson's 14 points & the Treaty of Versailles. We worked on your Note packet pages 9-10 (#32-38)


Activity: 14 Points worksheet - if you were absent, you can come and get one next time I see you :) 

Homework: Study for TEST!!!!! Your test is this week; I am planning on taking all of Tuesday to review, so please come prepared!!!!!