Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28

 Today we started our new unit COLD WAR! You got your new packets + reviews

Journal #1: What fears do the American public have today?
In Class:  We started our Cold War game (extra credit opportunity) You drew which team you would be on for our class competition (US or USSR) if you were absent, you will find out on Monday! 
-          Ways to earn points:
A. 1 point for each student who is in class on time. -1 point for every tardy student.
B. 1 point for each student who completes tasks and homeworks

-          C. Various points awarded for class competitions.

-          D.Extra credit for each student who brings a 1950s food/dish on May 3/4.
I'm not expecting main dish meals--pick a drink or appetizer or dessert or your Grandma's classic Jell-O dish.

-          E. Extra credit for each student who comes to class dressed in 1950s style on May 3/4. *Dont’ forget about Greasers!

Please note: I'm not expecting you to go all out or spend a lot of money on these last two point opportunities. This is supposed to be a fun way to get into the decade and compete.
You started your new Note Packet: pages 1 (SECTION 1 OF NOTE PACKET)  and you completed the Comparing Economies worksheet (if absent you can pick one up Monday)

Homework: Chapter 31 Lesson 2

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