Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 9

Journal: No Journal

In Class:  Today we Finished up the 4 review questions on page 5 of your packet as well as section 4 of notes (50s culture). For the rest of class your made sure your packets were completed and ready to turn in (Learning targets, journals, notes etc.) and worked on your reviews which you will turn in with your packets next class period! 

Homework: Prepare for test next class period!  

The Cold War
38th Parallel
Ethel Rosenberg
Nikita Khrushchev
Alger Hiss
The Hollywood 10
Mao Zedong
Fidel Castro
Julius Rosenberg
U2 Incident
Warsaw Pact
Joseph McCarthy
Lyndon Johnson
Bay of Pigs

________________ 1. He claimed to have lists of communists and used it to gain power in the Senate.

________________ 2. Military alliance of democratic countries opposed to communism.

________________ 3. American organization that made many covert actions abroad against communism.
________________ 4. When an American spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union and the pilot was captured.
________________ 5. American policy begun by President Truman to stop the spread of communism.

________________ 6. He was the communist leader of China who aided Korea and Vietnam against the US.
________________ 7. The US tried to invade Cuba here, but it failed and was an embarrassment.

________________ 8. This was the line dividing North and South Korea after the war.

________________ 9. He was executed for giving atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

________________ 10. If you were accused of being communist, this could happen and you could not find a job.
________________ 11. Leader of the Soviet Union during the 1950’s-1960’s.

________________ 12. She was executed but most likely was innocent of giving secrets to the Soviet Union.
________________ 13. They were blacklisted and could not get work after refusing to name names over communism
________________ 14. Soviet satellite that flew through space sending beeps across the world.

________________ 15. American policy of President Kennedy to come close to war with communists.

________________ 16. Member of the State Department and United Nation representative accused of being a Soviet spy.
________________ 17. Alliance of communist countries led by the Soviet Union.

________________ 18. He overthrew Gen Batista in Cuba and created a communist government.

________________ 19. American president who took office when Kennedy was assassinated and escalated the Vietnam War

________________ 20. They investigated communism in the United States and forced people to testify against others

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