Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 28

Journal: None 

In Class: Today we continued with WWI- you took notes in your note packets (pages 2-4 beginning with #14.... we will do #13 next week:))  If absent you may access the PowerPoint here: 

To Access PowerPoint:
1.       Go to my Class Blog- perezworldhistory.blogspot.com
2.       On Right hand side of blog under pages find Unit 11: Imperialism + WWI
3.       Click on the red link titled ‘Note Packet + Review’
4.       This will take you to my google drive- click on the PowerPoint labeled ‘sub PP’
a.       You may have to download the PowerPoint in order for it to work properly

You were also given a worksheet ‘The Russian Revolution’- you will turn this in next week either Mon/Tues depending on when I see you (if absent you may pick one up next week) 

Homework: You will take your test and turn in your packets April 4/5 which is next Wednesday/Thursday! Please get going on your reviews so you are prepared- if you would like some extra help on concepts or your reviews please come in during tutor time! You may come in before school or during lunch tutor time! 

Videos: These videos go over the concepts discussed in class :) 

March 27

Journal #3: What do you think would pull the US into another world war? What would happen in that type of war now?

In class: Today we began WWI focusing on the causes of war (remember our acronym M.A.I.N) and the event that was the immediate cause of the war! You filled out pages 1-2 of your note packet (#1-12) We also worked on your reviews!

Homework: Remember you have a test coming up----April 5 so make sure you have started on your review and are preparing!

Extras: Here are some links to videos that are a great review as to what we did in class today :)


Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26

Journal #3: What do you think would pull the US into another world war? What would happen in that type of war now?

In class: Today we began WWI focusing on the causes of war (remember our acronym M.A.I.N) and the event that was the immediate cause of the war! You filled out pages 1-2 of your note packet (#1-12) We also worked on your reviews!

Homework: Remember you have a test coming up----April 4 so make sure you have started on your review and are preparing!

Extras: Here are some links to videos that are a great review as to what we did in class today :)

Friday, March 23, 2018

March 23

Journal: NONE

In Class: Today we did an activity all about the M.A.I.N causes of war! If you were absent to make this activity up I want you to write me a paragraph telling me 2 positives and 2 negatives of alliances and  explain WHY alliances would bring someone into war!

Homework: Chapter 26 Lesson 1-2
Your packet and Unit test will be April 4 :) 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 22

Journal: NONE

In Class: Today we did an activity all about the M.A.I.N causes of war! If you were absent to make this activity up I want you to write me a paragraph telling me 2 positives and 2 negatives of alliances and  explain WHY alliances would bring someone into war!

Homework: Chapter 26 Lesson 1-2
Your packet and Unit test will be April 5 :) 

March 21


I hope you all had a wonderful week and are refreshed ready to finish out the rest of this year strong! 

Journal #1: We have started to analyze political cartoons- look at the cartoon and answer the following questions:
Image result for imperialism political cartoon
1.Who does the man in the hat represent?  
2.What places is he grabbing?  
3.What do you think this cartoon means?

In Class: Today we learned about Imperialism and filled out pages 5; if you were absent you may get these notes from a friend or come see me during tutor time to get them!

Homework: Get started working on your reviews! Ch. 25 Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4

March 20


I hope you all had a wonderful week and are refreshed ready to finish out the rest of this year strong! 

Journal #1: We have started to analyze political cartoons- look at the cartoon and answer the following questions:
Image result for imperialism political cartoon
1.Who does the man in the hat represent?  
2.What places is he grabbing?  
3.What do you think this cartoon means?

Journal #2: In your own words define IMPERIALISM

In Class: Today we learned about Imperialism and filled out pages 5,6,7; if you were absent you may get these notes from a friend or come see me during tutor time to get them!

Homework: Get started working on your reviews! Ch. 25 Lesson 1-2

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7/8

Journal: NONE 

In Class: Today you 
turned in your Unit 10 Packets and took the Unit 10 Test!!!!! 
If you were absent, please email me ASAP so we can find a time for you to make the test up (there is no testing center this week!) 

Homework: NONE... enjoy your Spring Break and make smart choices :) 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6

Journal: None 

In Class: Today we had our Photo walk! Thank you for all that participated! I loved your creativity with your pictures! I hope you enjoyed this creative outlet to understand just what the Industrial Revolution was all about :) 

You had some time to work on your reviews......remember whatever we did not do in class you are not responsible for (note wise) you ARE RESPONSIBLE for your reviews! 

Homework: Do your reviews and study for the TEST! You will turn your packets in and take your test on Thursday!  this is it before spring break so please come prepared!!!

March 5

Journal: None 

In Class: Today we had our Photo walk! Thank you for all that participated! Your pictures were fantastic, creative, and thought provoking; I hope you enjoyed this creative outlet to understand just what the Industrial Revolution was all about :) 

We also filled out page 4 of your packets.... remember whatever we did not do in class you are not responsible for (note wise) you ARE RESPONSIBLE for your reviews! 

Homework: Do your reviews and study for the TEST! You will turn your packets in and take your test on Wednesday!  

Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2

Journal:  None 

In Class:   Today in class we did an 'INFOMERCIAL' project :) and filled out pages 7-8 of your packets.  If you were absent please see directions below on how to make this up! 

·        Students will need to pick one the inventions from the industrial revolution and write a script for a commercial they would use to sell the product today (commercial would be 1-2 minutes)

Homework: PHOTO PROJECT! Also keep in mind that your test is coming up next week! Wed/Thurs so get started on your reviews if you have not yet! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1

Journal:  None 

In Class:   Today in class we did an 'INFOMERCIAL' project :) and filled out pages 7-8 of your packets.  If you were absent please see directions below on how to make this up! We also talked about the Effects of Industry and filled out page 4 of your notes (if absent you can get these notes from me when you return or from a friend)  

·        Students will need to pick one the inventions from the industrial revolution and write a script for a commercial they would use to sell the product today (commercial would be 1-2 minutes)

Homework: PHOTO PROJECT! Also keep in mind that your test is coming up next week! Wed/Thurs so get started on your reviews if you have not yet!