Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 28

Journal: None 

In Class: Today we continued with WWI- you took notes in your note packets (pages 2-4 beginning with #14.... we will do #13 next week:))  If absent you may access the PowerPoint here: 

To Access PowerPoint:
1.       Go to my Class Blog- perezworldhistory.blogspot.com
2.       On Right hand side of blog under pages find Unit 11: Imperialism + WWI
3.       Click on the red link titled ‘Note Packet + Review’
4.       This will take you to my google drive- click on the PowerPoint labeled ‘sub PP’
a.       You may have to download the PowerPoint in order for it to work properly

You were also given a worksheet ‘The Russian Revolution’- you will turn this in next week either Mon/Tues depending on when I see you (if absent you may pick one up next week) 

Homework: You will take your test and turn in your packets April 4/5 which is next Wednesday/Thursday! Please get going on your reviews so you are prepared- if you would like some extra help on concepts or your reviews please come in during tutor time! You may come in before school or during lunch tutor time! 

Videos: These videos go over the concepts discussed in class :) 

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