Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31

Journal #7: What would happen if half the population died? What benefits & downsides would there be?

In Class: Today we did a black plague simulation; each of you were on either a pilgrimage or a trade voyage.  Some of you survived, unfortunately some of you did not :(  You turned in your worksheet, map and postcard! If you were absent I want you to turn in a paragraph explaining what the plague is and why it was so devastating.  We will finish up page 10 in your notes tomorrow :)

Homework: Start preparing for your TEST---- coming up on block day! 

Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28

Journal #6: What is your favorite Halloween memory?

In Class: Today you filled out notes about the Great Schism + 100 years War in your Note packet (page 11) I gave you time in class to work on your reviews! 


Homework: Chapter 12 Lesson 2; Your test is one week from today (next block day) so if you haven’t started on your review…. Get going on it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 26/27

Journal: None

In Class: Today we watched the history channel's documentary 'The Dark Ages' and filled out pages 12-13 of your packet.  If you were absent you can watch it here :)

Homework: Make sure that your Learning Target guide and packet are all caught up!!! You will take your test one week from today (next block day) so if you haven't started on your review get going on it!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25

Journal #5: Can you trace your family history? Where do you come from?

In Class: Today we finished up the Crusades (pg. 7 in your packet) and filled out page 9 'Charlemagne & the Franks'

LEARNING TARGET: make sure that Day 5 & 6 are filled out :) 

Homework: Chapter  8 Lesson 5

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24

Journal #4: List all the supplies you would need on a journey.

In Class: Today we started learning about the Crusades on pg. 7 of your packet.  We only got through the 1st Crusade today we finish this up next class period.

You also practiced 'Skills of a Historian' working on Sourcing and Corroboration.  If you were absent, come and get the handout from me. It was due at the end of class

LEARNING TARGET DAY 5- you can begin this by answering for Crusade #1

Homework: Ch. 12 Lesson 3

Friday, October 21, 2016

October 21

Journal: None

In Class: Today we did a scavenger hunt to review the Middle Ages up to this point and introduce the topics for the rest of the unit! If you were absent, you will need to pick one aspect of Medieval culture and write me a paragraph describing it :)

Homework: Ch. 10 Lesson 3

**Remember Chivalry Points! If you are planning on going to Homecoming and you need proof come and find me.... I will be chaperoning 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Oct 19/20

Journal #3: Is Chivalry Dead? Why/Why not?

In Class: Today we filled out page 5-6 of your notes! We talked about HONOR, CHIVALRY, AND COURTLY LOVE.

I also introduced Chivalry Points (you must end the unit with 50... if you were absent you can come and get the handout from me :)) **I will put the points at the end of this post.

We read examples from the Knights Code of Honor and Courtly Love discussing how we see these ideals in today's society!


Homework: Ch. 12 L4
Make sure you fill out page 6 of your packets! It needs to be finished and ready to go when you turn in your packet Nov 2/3.

. Acknowledge others by greeting them with their name, a smile and a handshake. (1 point each time)

2. Show respect by listening intently Remember your “Please and Thank You’s” (1 point each time)

3. Instead of raising your hand: stand up and wait to be called on (2 points each time)
Gentleman, if a lady also stands you should yield the time to her
(You must say: “I defer to the young lady”.

4. Respect the opinions of others and vocalize your appreciation for the same. (2 points each time)

5. When entering and exiting the room: Ladies first, and you should open and close doors. (3 points each time)

6. Acts of service towards others….. (5 points)

7.  Dress nicely for class: no jeans, skirts, dresses, shirts & ties etc.  
(10 points each time)

8. Take & treat someone to a date … show me proof J  (20 points)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18

Journal #2: If you could get rid of 1 law for 1 day what would it be and why?

In Class: Today you learned about Nation forming in Europe (specifically England, France, Russia and Spain) you filled out page 4 of your note packet.  You then picked up a Magna Carta Analysis worksheet comparing the Magna Carta to the US Constitution which was due at the end of class.  If you didn't finish this will be homework and due tomorrow! (this can be found under the unit 4 tab 'Magna Carta v. Constitution')

Homework: Because of the PSAT tomorrow our class period is pretty short and  I need you to do some background research on King Arthur.  Please watch the clips below and in your notes (pg. 5 in the King Arthur box write down qualities that he possesses. We will be doing an activity tomorrow that requires this info :) 

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17

No Journal

In Class: Today we looked at different World Empires in the 1500s; this will allow you to compare what was going on in the world and compare it with Europe during our Medieval Unit :) You were assigned a group where you: 

Build a model of your empire’s great monument, Wrote a speech to impress others (Where is your empire located? Who rules your empire? What are the dominant religions in your empire? What are your empire’s great accomplishments? What trade routes does your empire use?about your empire's strength + achievements) and then at the end of class presented (2-3 min) 

While other groups presented you filled out pgs. 1-2 of your note packet :) 


Homework: Ch. 10 Lesson 1

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14

Journal: What freedoms are you willing to give up for protection?

In Class: The counselors came in today to discuss your 4-year plans..... if you were absent, make sure you speak with your counselor :)

Today you picked up your new Packet (Middle Ages) and test review! We filled out page 3 of your packet and did LT #2

Homework: Ch. 8 L 4

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12/13

Today you turned in your Unit 3 Packets, Karma Points and we took the test!!!!! 

If you were absent, you need to turn your packet in the next time that I see you and take your test ASAP!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11

Journal: None

In Class: Today we played a review game and you finished up your packets (page 5) the Venn Diagram; if you didn't finish this it is homework!

Homework: Make sure that your packet is ready to be turned in, your review is finished, and you are prepared to take the test :) 

Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7

Journal #5:  Who is the ultimate

In Class:   Today we finished up your packets! We filled out the Maurya/Gupta notes; if you were absent, get these notes from a friend :) You also worked on the Gupta Eulogy worksheet. If you were absent, come get one from me on Tuesday! If you didn't finish it will be homework and you will turn it in with your packets next block day! 

ž  Your Eulogy has to be at least 4 stanzas–
¡  each stanza should honor an advancement from their society.
¡  You must also explain why their advancements are important to us today. 
¡  These can include and are not limited to…
¡  Organized central government, Education, Math, Medicine, Architecture, Literature
ž  You must also make sure you have a strong introduction & closing statement
This is NOT an essay about the Gupta’s; please make sure you use the correct tone in your eulogy.  Eulogies are used to honor one’s life!

NO SCHOOL MONDAY! Remember your caste (#3 bring food Tuesday!) 


Homework: Ch. 6 Lesson 1----- get working on your unit reviews!
**Video clip watch 9:40-17:20 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5/6

Journal #4: What are you judged by here at KHS?

In Class: Today we learned about the caste system! We did a simulation... thank you for your participation; I hope that you have a better understanding of what the caste system is and can see the different divisions.  We also created a Class System that will remain until you take your test! FARMERS remember next class period you must feed your group :) You also filled out page 4 of your note packet

*If you were absent you need to turn in a paragraph write up answering the following questions: 
1. What is the caste system? 
2. Who brought the caste system to India? 
3. What are the varnas and the roles in each? 

Homework: Chapter 5 Lesson 2

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

September 4

Journal #3: (slide #1) Tell me about a life changing experience

In Class: Today I introduced a class project.....‘Karma Points’ You will track your karma points (good+bad actions) You must end with 9 points by your test :) 
Today we learned about Buddhism! You filled out page 3 of your packets.  If you were absent get these notes from a friend. 

You also worked on the "Illustrated Buddha".  If you were absent, you will need to come and get this worksheet from me! 

                                                            LEARNING TARGET DAY 3

Homework: Homework: Ch. 5 Lesson 3----- get working on your unit reviews!

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3

Journal #2: What is the furthest you’ve traveled (not by plane)? Where did you go? 
How far? What was your experience?

In Class: Today we learned about the Qin and Han Chinese Dynasties (filling out page 2 of your packet) You also did a Web-quest centering on these 2 great dynasties.  If you were absent come see me for the Web-quest! 

Homework: Catch up day! Make sure you are working on your test review! The test will be next week on the block day (Oct 12/13)