Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Oct 19/20

Journal #3: Is Chivalry Dead? Why/Why not?

In Class: Today we filled out page 5-6 of your notes! We talked about HONOR, CHIVALRY, AND COURTLY LOVE.

I also introduced Chivalry Points (you must end the unit with 50... if you were absent you can come and get the handout from me :)) **I will put the points at the end of this post.

We read examples from the Knights Code of Honor and Courtly Love discussing how we see these ideals in today's society!


Homework: Ch. 12 L4
Make sure you fill out page 6 of your packets! It needs to be finished and ready to go when you turn in your packet Nov 2/3.

. Acknowledge others by greeting them with their name, a smile and a handshake. (1 point each time)

2. Show respect by listening intently Remember your “Please and Thank You’s” (1 point each time)

3. Instead of raising your hand: stand up and wait to be called on (2 points each time)
Gentleman, if a lady also stands you should yield the time to her
(You must say: “I defer to the young lady”.

4. Respect the opinions of others and vocalize your appreciation for the same. (2 points each time)

5. When entering and exiting the room: Ladies first, and you should open and close doors. (3 points each time)

6. Acts of service towards others….. (5 points)

7.  Dress nicely for class: no jeans, skirts, dresses, shirts & ties etc.  
(10 points each time)

8. Take & treat someone to a date … show me proof J  (20 points)

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