Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18

Journal #2: If you could get rid of 1 law for 1 day what would it be and why?

In Class: Today you learned about Nation forming in Europe (specifically England, France, Russia and Spain) you filled out page 4 of your note packet.  You then picked up a Magna Carta Analysis worksheet comparing the Magna Carta to the US Constitution which was due at the end of class.  If you didn't finish this will be homework and due tomorrow! (this can be found under the unit 4 tab 'Magna Carta v. Constitution')

Homework: Because of the PSAT tomorrow our class period is pretty short and  I need you to do some background research on King Arthur.  Please watch the clips below and in your notes (pg. 5 in the King Arthur box write down qualities that he possesses. We will be doing an activity tomorrow that requires this info :) 

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