Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nov 30/Dec 1

Journal #3: What is the BEST book you’ve ever read? What makes it the best?

In Class:  Today you worked on a project>>>Renaissance Writer Book Jacket! You chose a Renaissance writer and created a book jacket about their biography! This was due at the end of class today- if you need more time you may take it home as homework but it must be turned in on Friday for full credit! 

If you were absent, come see me for the instructions + grading rubric :) 


Homework: Learning Target Day 3 + Ch. 16 Lesson 2---- please get started on your unit review... your test is coming up in 1 week!!!! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nov 29

In Class:   Today we finished up page 5 of your note packets then you filled out your learning target for day 1 :) 

Journal #2: If you could have 1 artistic talent, what would it be? Why? OR What artistic talents do you have?

ACTIVITY:  Today we did our Renaissance Gallery Walk! You walked around the classroom viewing the art of the time period while filling out page 9 of your packets.  You were also given 2 sticky notes to comment on the artwork, ask questions, or comment on the art! If you were absent, you will need to come in before school or during tutoring to complete this activity. 

 You also worked on your map on pages  7-8 of their packet--- if you were unable to finish, this becomes homework!
>>>>pages: 343, 361, 922-923

Homework: Learning Target Day 2 + Ch. 16 Lesson 1

Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov 28


Journal #1: If your family was starving, would you be willing to steal food to feed them? Why/why not?

In Class: Today we started our new unit... Renaissance + Reformation :) We filled out pages 4, 6 and most of 5! You also got your unit review, make sure that you begin working on it ASAP as your next test is a week from this block day!!!

Homework: Learning Target Day 1 and Ch. 15, Lesson 1-2

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16/17

Journal: None

In Class:  Today you worked with 3 sources (2)historical centering around 'Mansa Musa'.  You filled out a worksheet focusing on corroboration and sourcing.  (if you were absent you can pick one up from me, or under the unit 5 tab>link>Mansa Musa and fill out the 3 guided questions pages) 

We had some time at the end of class to review! 


     Homework: STUDY FOR TEST--- test is Friday and you  will turn in your packet :) 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15

Journal #5: What is the most valuable resource? Why?

In Class:  Today we learned about the African Kingdoms of Axum, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Mali, and Songhai; You filled out pages 12-13 of your packet.  Page 13 of your note packet has a map you outlined where each of these kingdoms were located.


           Homework: Ch. 13- Lesson 2; Keep in mind that our test is on FRIDAY.  If you have not started studying or have not started filling out your reviews.... get started now! Please do not wait until the last minute :) 

Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14

Journal #4: Draw a castle :) 

In Class:   Today you filled out notes on pages 7-9 of the packet! On the map make sure you that you Label 5 cities, countries, ocean, 3 seas, Mt. Fuji. 


              Homework: Ch. 13- Lesson 1 AND study for test... its coming up on Friday! 

Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11

Journal #3: Would you rather be feared or loved?

In Class:  Today you filled out pages 10-11 of your note packet! We learned about the rise of Genghis Khan and his achievements.  (pg. 11 gives you a word bank and paragraph--- if you weren't able to finish in class this will be homework) 
I want you to think about the question "Was Genghis Khan a great leader or murderer?" What evidence do you have to answer this question? 

Homework: Ch. 11- Lesson 3 + Learning Target Day 5; if you didn't pick up a unit review make sure you do so! The test is one week from today :) 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nov 9/10

Journal: Øtake 5 minutes to reflect on the election last night-
ØPlease take the time to express your thoughts, concerns, hopes/optimism, fears
ØThis is a FREEWRITE- do not worry about grammar, spelling,  complete sentences etc. This is the time for you to explore your raw thought. 

In Class: Today we learned about Post-Classical China, focusing on the dynasties.  You completed group learning centers; if you were absent you will need to come in during tutor time to complete this activity! 

Homework: Ch. 11- Lesson 2

Monday, November 7, 2016

Nov 7

Journal #1: Should we be worried about radical or moderate religions or groups? Why or why not?

In Class:  Today we started our new unit! We focused on the Rise of Islam today and filled out pages 4-6 of your note packet. You also read the article 'GROWING UP SAUDI' and answered the question  2 Similarities/3 Differences between yourself & the article you read. **Article under the Unit 5 Tab! 

Homework: Ch. 9 Lesson 2

Friday, November 4, 2016

Nov 4

Today we talked about your Unit 4 Tests; Several of you did not take this test seriously and your grade reflects this. In each class we discussed your tests and really what it came down to is this:

1. You had 3 weeks with your review and waited until a day or 2 before the test to start working on it.  I mentioned daily in class to get started on your reviews AND posted about it on the blog as well. 

2. You used google as a source for your answers instead of the book (which I warned you about) 

3. NOBODY came in during any of my tutor times to work on reviews, ask questions about the reviews, check answers etc. 

4. I gave you about 35 minutes last Friday to work on your reviews- several of you chose to work on other homework, talk with friends, play on your phones etc. 

It is because of the issues above that the vast majority of you struggled and failed. I am very disappointed in your effort for this past unit and I expect you to change your study habits and effort for this upcoming unit.

As far as the test goes,  I gave you a 2nd chance today----- this will not happen again.  You were allowed test corrections for 1/2 points back due at the end of class.  Please make sure that you are doing your readings, using your study guide, tutor times etc. in the future and have a great weekend :) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nov 2/3


You will have about 20 minutes to review and get your packets turned in before we start the test! 

Homework: Chapter 9 Lesson 1

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nov 1

Today we finished up your plague notes + Learning Target for day 7!!! 

We reviewed for the rest of class...... it was very apparent from our review today that most of you have not studied, nor read the book to fill out your review; I suggest you spend a considerable amount of time tonight/tomorrow preparing for this test and use this as a lesson to not procrastinate for future tests :) 

**Packets, Chivalry Points and Test are all next time I see you- make sure that you are working diligently to complete these items