Friday, November 4, 2016

Nov 4

Today we talked about your Unit 4 Tests; Several of you did not take this test seriously and your grade reflects this. In each class we discussed your tests and really what it came down to is this:

1. You had 3 weeks with your review and waited until a day or 2 before the test to start working on it.  I mentioned daily in class to get started on your reviews AND posted about it on the blog as well. 

2. You used google as a source for your answers instead of the book (which I warned you about) 

3. NOBODY came in during any of my tutor times to work on reviews, ask questions about the reviews, check answers etc. 

4. I gave you about 35 minutes last Friday to work on your reviews- several of you chose to work on other homework, talk with friends, play on your phones etc. 

It is because of the issues above that the vast majority of you struggled and failed. I am very disappointed in your effort for this past unit and I expect you to change your study habits and effort for this upcoming unit.

As far as the test goes,  I gave you a 2nd chance today----- this will not happen again.  You were allowed test corrections for 1/2 points back due at the end of class.  Please make sure that you are doing your readings, using your study guide, tutor times etc. in the future and have a great weekend :) 

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