Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nov 29

In Class:   Today we finished up page 5 of your note packets then you filled out your learning target for day 1 :) 

Journal #2: If you could have 1 artistic talent, what would it be? Why? OR What artistic talents do you have?

ACTIVITY:  Today we did our Renaissance Gallery Walk! You walked around the classroom viewing the art of the time period while filling out page 9 of your packets.  You were also given 2 sticky notes to comment on the artwork, ask questions, or comment on the art! If you were absent, you will need to come in before school or during tutoring to complete this activity. 

 You also worked on your map on pages  7-8 of their packet--- if you were unable to finish, this becomes homework!
>>>>pages: 343, 361, 922-923

Homework: Learning Target Day 2 + Ch. 16 Lesson 1

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