Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31

Journal #5: In your own words, summarize the Enlightenment

In Class:    Today you delved deeper into the Enlightenment and the thinkers! You formed groups of no more than 4 and created a timeline of important events/people associated with the Enlightenment.  For each person/event, you need to include: date, 2-sentence annotation of historical significance + 10 illustrations. Due at the end of class today! 

If you were absent, come get the timeline instructions from me, it will be due Friday! 


Homework:  PROPAGANDA PROJECT! Remember this is due Friday + Chapter 21 Lesson 3

Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30

Journal #3: Tell me about a science experiment you have done
 Tell me about an experiment you would like to do

In Class:  Today we learned about the Scientific Revolution and the major contributors to the Enlightenment! You filled out Page 10-11 of your Note packet. 


Activity:  I introduced your project; below are the instructions... if you would like to see an example come see me.  

Ò Select an Enlightenment thinker OR idea: 
É ie. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu,  Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Mary Wollstonecraft  etc.  
É Reason, Individualism & Skepticism
Ò Create  a Propaganda poster!
Ò Your poster must include: Both words + Graphics J

Homework: Catch up day!

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27

Journal #4: Tell me about an influential speech you've heard

In Class: Today you learned about 11 contributors to the Enlightenment culture (pg. 13 of notes; if you were absent you may come during tutor times to get these notes) you then used these notes to fill out the crossword on page 12 of your note packet!

Homework: Make sure that you fill out your learning target for day 6 and Chapter 21 Lesson 2

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25/26

NO journal 

Today in class:  you got with your Monarch groups and had 1 hour to get your presentation together; each group presented and you filled out pages 6-7 of your note packet!

If you were absent, come see me for the make-up assignment

Learning Target Day 3/4

Homework: Chapter 21 Lesson 1---- make sure that you are working diligently on your reviews :) 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24

No Journal today

Today the counselors came to tell you about course selection!

With the remainder of class I introduced a project that you got started on today and will finish up/present during the block day :) 

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23

Journal #2: If you were the ruler of a country, who would you name as your successor? Why?

In Class:  Today we learned about the English civil wars and the progression to a limited/constitutional monarchy! You filled out page 5 of your note packet! 
You also read a passage entitled 'How did the Irish Get to Barbados?' (due at the end of class)  If you were absent, you can come and get this from me :) 


Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 3 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 20

Today we started our new unit on the ENLIGHTENMENT! You received your New Packet + Review

Journal #1: if you had TOTAL power over a country, what is 1 law you would impose on the people?  

In Class:  Unfortunately I was not here today.... here are the instructions of what we did in class! 
v Today you filled out page 1- 2 of your note packet: “Europe in Crisis” and “The Rise of Absolute Monarchs

v To access the PowerPoint: 

1. On the right hand side of the page click on Unit 8: Enlightenment

 2. This will lead them to the link ‘Note Packet + Activities’ (click this link)

3. You will then be directed to my drive where they will find the PowerPoint entitled ‘Day 1- Absolute Monarchies’

 4. Use this PowerPoint to fill out your note packet

v You also worked on pages 3-4 of packet “My Daily Schedule”


Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 2

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18/19

Today we took a test!

You turned in your packets + reviews, we played the review game and you took the test! So far test scores are looking FANTASTIC so keep up the good work!

Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 1

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17

Journal #4: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would itbe? Why?

In Class:  Today we learned about the Colombian Exchange!  You filled out pages 6-7 of your packets; for the remaineder of class we reviewed.... 


Homework: STUDY FOR TEST! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jan 11/12

Journal:  None 

In Class: Today you got into groups and completed 6 tasks--- each centering around an explorer! If you were absent today, you can make this assignment up by the following: 

Choose an Explorer- write 1 paragraph on their background and 2 paragraphs on their accomplishments.  You will also need to create a map depicting where their journeys took them! 

Homework: Make sure that your learning targets for days 1-3 are all caught up! Readings: Chapter 19 Lessons 1-2

**NOTE: your test is next block day! You have 1 week to prepare... make sure that you are filling out your study guide

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 10

Journal #3: Name 1 person you wish you didn’t have to deal with today: Why?

In Class:  Today we learned about the Meso-American civilizations (Aztec, Mayan, Incan) and you filled out page 5 of your packet. 


Homework: Catch up Day!

Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6

Journal #2: If you could have dinner with 1 person (dead or alive) who wouldyou choose? Why?

In Class:  Today we learned about some of the greatest explorers in history- you filled out page 3 of your packet listing their name, country, and 1 accomplishment of each. 

We then had an "Explorer Dinner Party" In your group you received a group of 8 explorers, you needed to seat them all around the table and discover one commonality between each, and one conversation they would have with one another. 

You also filled out the map on page 4 of your packet


Homework: Chapter 17 Lesson 1

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 5

Journal: None

In Class: Today we finished up 'Guns, Germ, & Steel' (link below if you missed it) You filled out pages 1-2 of your note packet; if you were unable to finish the written portion on page 2 of your notes, this becomes homework

Homework: Make sure that your Learning Target for Day 1 is finished and your reading is Chapter 14 Lesson 1-2 in your book

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jan 4

Welcome back from Christmas Break! I hope you were all able to relax and enjoy yourselves :)
This is a new semester = fresh start.... those of you who were unhappy about last term or semester grades, no worries you have the chance at redemption! If you are unsure of how you can improve or want to look at past grades with me I can give you ideas on how to boost those grades!

Today we started a new unit "Age of Exploration & Expansion"

You picked up your new packets, reviews, and the syllabus for this semester

Journal #1: If you could explore 1 area for 1 day, where would you go? Why?

In Class: You looked at the European and Native perspectives on their first encounters with each other and filled out a worksheet; if you were absent, come see me and I can get you the materials to make it up.  We also started watching a portion of "Guns, Germs, and Steel"

Homework: None!