Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jan 4

Welcome back from Christmas Break! I hope you were all able to relax and enjoy yourselves :)
This is a new semester = fresh start.... those of you who were unhappy about last term or semester grades, no worries you have the chance at redemption! If you are unsure of how you can improve or want to look at past grades with me I can give you ideas on how to boost those grades!

Today we started a new unit "Age of Exploration & Expansion"

You picked up your new packets, reviews, and the syllabus for this semester

Journal #1: If you could explore 1 area for 1 day, where would you go? Why?

In Class: You looked at the European and Native perspectives on their first encounters with each other and filled out a worksheet; if you were absent, come see me and I can get you the materials to make it up.  We also started watching a portion of "Guns, Germs, and Steel"

Homework: None! 

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