Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 20

Today we started our new unit on the ENLIGHTENMENT! You received your New Packet + Review

Journal #1: if you had TOTAL power over a country, what is 1 law you would impose on the people?  

In Class:  Unfortunately I was not here today.... here are the instructions of what we did in class! 
v Today you filled out page 1- 2 of your note packet: “Europe in Crisis” and “The Rise of Absolute Monarchs

v To access the PowerPoint: 

1. On the right hand side of the page click on Unit 8: Enlightenment

 2. This will lead them to the link ‘Note Packet + Activities’ (click this link)

3. You will then be directed to my drive where they will find the PowerPoint entitled ‘Day 1- Absolute Monarchies’

 4. Use this PowerPoint to fill out your note packet

v You also worked on pages 3-4 of packet “My Daily Schedule”


Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 2

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