Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28

Journal:  None

Project: Today I introduced a new project that you will complete! Instructions below... this will be DUE FRIDAY MARCH 3! 

Ø  Listen to the radio/CD/Streaming at home to identify these kinds of songs.
Ø   Choose one of these songs
Ø  Print Lyrics; underline or list the title, artist, date
Ø   Underline important passages showing the message of the song
Ø  Write a 2 PARAGRAPH WRITE-UP discussing the overall meaning of the song (ie. Issues it is talking about) AND tell me similarities between your issue & Industrial Revolution

In Class:  Today we learned about Urbanization by playing the 'urbanization' game!!!! If you were absent, you can make this activity up by watching the following video and completing the following write-up: 10 things you learned, and answering the question in 2 PARAGRAPHS "Did Urbanization cause more harm than good?"


Homework: Catch up Day!

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27

Journal #2: What do you think is the most IMPORTANT invention of all time?

In Class:  Today we talked more about the Industrial Revolution! You filled out page 4 of your Note Packet :) The Beginnings of Industrialization


Video:  We started ‘The Men who Built America: Episode 1: A new war begins’ on page 5 of your note packet... if you were absent I will post below for you to watch 

Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 2

Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24

Today we started our new unit.... THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION! 
You should have picked up your New Packet + Review

Journal #1: How did the assembly line change the way products were produced and sold?

In Class:  Note Packet: pages 1 (notes- if you were absent, you can get them from a friend or come see me) 

·        HORSE POWER ACTIVITY- We did an acitivity on Horse Power learning about the Steam Engine  (James Watt) on pages 2-3 of your packet


Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 1

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22/23

Today was test day! We played a review game, you turned in your packets + reviews and took the Unit 9 test!

If you were absent, you must make the test up and turn in the packet within 1 WEEK; NO EXCEPTIONS

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21

I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend and are refreshed and ready to go this week! 

Journal: None 

In class: Today was a review day! For the 1st part of class you worked on your Unit 9 reviews followed by a game of Kahoot! Remember TOMORROW IS YOUR TEST----- you also be turning in your packets and reviews so please come prepared :) 

Homework: Study for test! 

Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17

Journal #5:  When do you know you are successful?  
Is there an “unreachable bar” with success? If not, where is “the bar?”
What are things you can be doing now to be successful?

In Class:  Today we learned about the Latin American Revolutions and you filled out your Packet pages 7-8! 

Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 4

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15

Journal:  None

Activity:  Today we held the Vienna Congress- you each represented a country and participated in the debates :) 


Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 1-3

IF Absent to make up: Today we held a debate about the European powers coming together to discuss what to do with post-Napoleon Europe .  To make this assignment up you will need to research what each of the European Powers present would have chosen with the situation below (write the # of what the country would have chosen & WHY. You will be writing for the following countries: Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Austria (aka Habsburg Empire)

Napoleon is gone, the great powers need to decide on who will rule France in his stead.
Options are:

  1. Napoleon’s son could be Emperor Napoleon II
  2. Louis Bourbon could be brought back as Louis XVII
  3. France could become a Republic with a Democratic Government.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February 14

Journal #4:  Revolution ?s

In Class:  Today we talked about the Unification of Italy + Germany (NATIONALISM) you filled out page 5 of your packet! In honor of Valentines day we learned a little about the history behind this holiday and created Valentines honoring your favorite historical figures! 

Homework: Catch up day!

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13

Journal #3:  French Journal Entry Response

In Class:  Today you watched a video (below) on Napoleon and did your learning Target for day 3! You then took a Quiz over the French Revolution. We finished up the day with a writing assignment! If you were absent, I will post the directions below, please follow them and bring it with you when you return to class :) 

 On the top of your paper include: Name (First, Last) , Date (today’s date), Perez, World History

Activity Instructions:  In this assignment you will take on the perspective of a French citizen during the French Revolution.
In order to demonstrate your understanding of how the Revolution impacted the population.  To begin this assignment, pick 5 events and /or characteristics of the French Revolution that you view as having a high degree of importance.  Any event discussed in class or your textbook is fine- (make a list... like so) 


The French Revolution affected a wide variety of the French citizenship;  For this assignment, you will take on the perspective of a French citizen in creating a piece of historical fiction. 

Your prompt is writing a letter to one of your relatives that lives in America and describing to him or her how the Revolution has impacted your life.  Your letters to incorporate all 5 events you have chosen.  Do NOT just describe these events; you need to explain how your ‘chosen’ items impacted your life during the French Revolution. 

Homework: Catch up day!

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10

Journal #2:  French Revolution Phases

Lecture:   Today in class we learned about Napoleon end of Revolution!  You filled your Note Packet: pages 3-4


Activity:  Napoleon Silent Debate (If you were absent you will need to come see me to complete this activity!) 

Homework: Chapter 22 Lesson 4

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8/9

Journal #1: Enlightenment/Philosopher Matching

In Class: Today we started the FRENCH REVOLUTION! You filled out your Note Packet: pages 1-2 (if you were absent, you may get these notes from a friend or come see me :)) 

Activity:  COMPARING DECLARATIONS WORKSHEET- you looked at the Declaration of Independence and compared it with the Declaration of the Rights of man.  If you were absent I have the worksheet for you! 


Homework: Chapter 22 Lesson 3 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 7

Today is TEST DAY!!!! 

You turned in your unit 8 packet + review and took the test!

If you were absent, you must see me ASAP so we can find a time for you to make this test up! 

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6

Today we reviewed in class!

Tomorrow you will be turning in your packets, and taking the TEST! Make sure that all of your packet is filled out, the learning targets are complete, and you have filled out your review :)


Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3

Journal #7: What is the best party you’ve been to?

In Class:  Today we looked at some primary sources from 'Enlightened Monarchs' (compare with Absolute Monarchs) In your Note Packet- page 8 & 9 Read through the 3 sources and answer the questions associated with each! 

We finished up today with a Dinner Party! (last page in your packet) 

Homework: Study for TEST!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1/2

Journal #6: The Enlightenment was about self-discovery; tell me what you love about life!

In Class:Today you created a book jacket about one of the great Enlightenment thinkers! You had the entire class period to work on this project; if you finished early you had several options:  work on your timeline, propaganda project, test reviews, learning target guide


Homework: Catch up Day----- finish propaganda poster; it is due FRIDAY