Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15

Journal:  None

Activity:  Today we held the Vienna Congress- you each represented a country and participated in the debates :) 


Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 1-3

IF Absent to make up: Today we held a debate about the European powers coming together to discuss what to do with post-Napoleon Europe .  To make this assignment up you will need to research what each of the European Powers present would have chosen with the situation below (write the # of what the country would have chosen & WHY. You will be writing for the following countries: Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Austria (aka Habsburg Empire)

Napoleon is gone, the great powers need to decide on who will rule France in his stead.
Options are:

  1. Napoleon’s son could be Emperor Napoleon II
  2. Louis Bourbon could be brought back as Louis XVII
  3. France could become a Republic with a Democratic Government.

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