Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13

Journal #3:  French Journal Entry Response

In Class:  Today you watched a video (below) on Napoleon and did your learning Target for day 3! You then took a Quiz over the French Revolution. We finished up the day with a writing assignment! If you were absent, I will post the directions below, please follow them and bring it with you when you return to class :) 

 On the top of your paper include: Name (First, Last) , Date (today’s date), Perez, World History

Activity Instructions:  In this assignment you will take on the perspective of a French citizen during the French Revolution.
In order to demonstrate your understanding of how the Revolution impacted the population.  To begin this assignment, pick 5 events and /or characteristics of the French Revolution that you view as having a high degree of importance.  Any event discussed in class or your textbook is fine- (make a list... like so) 


The French Revolution affected a wide variety of the French citizenship;  For this assignment, you will take on the perspective of a French citizen in creating a piece of historical fiction. 

Your prompt is writing a letter to one of your relatives that lives in America and describing to him or her how the Revolution has impacted your life.  Your letters to incorporate all 5 events you have chosen.  Do NOT just describe these events; you need to explain how your ‘chosen’ items impacted your life during the French Revolution. 

Homework: Catch up day!

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