Friday, March 31, 2017

March 31

Journal #5: Who is the most heroic person you have ever met or read about?

In Class: Today we learned about the Russian Revolution... key terms, people and events; you filled out page 11 in your note packet. 

Activity: Russian Revolution Worksheet- if you were absent, you can come and pick it up on Monday :) 


Homework: Ch. 27 Lesson 4--- Remember your test is next Wed/Thur!!!! Please start studying over the weekend so you are prepared.  Also Monday we find out what Baby P's gender is! Wear Pink or Blue for your chance at a few extra credit points :) 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 29

 Journal #4 : What do you think would be the BEST and WORST thing about being in the trenches?

In Class: Today we learned about trench warfare! We took some quick notes (page 8 #13) and then did a trench simulation for the remainder of class! I will post a link to a video clip below that talks about life in the trenches


Homework: Catch up day... start preparing for the TEST!!! It is next block day :) 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

March 28 + 30

Journal: No Journal

In Class: Today we continued with WWI--- we worked on your note packet (pages 8-9) 14-30.  If you were absent you will have to get these notes from a friend or come during tutor time
*2nd and 4th periods: you will have to do these notes as homework because of testing.... the PowerPoint has been uploaded to the blog under the unit 11 tab. It will say Day 7 WWI cont.  


Activity: Propaganda activity; if you were absent you may make this up before school or during tutor time! (2nd + 4th periods) we will do this next Tuesday 

Homework: Catch up day

Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27

Journal #3 : What do you think would pull the US into another World War?
What would happen in that type of war now?

In Class: Powerpoints>Day 5>Today was the intro to WWI; we talked about the MAIN causes and the spark the ignites the flame of war.  You worked on your note packets (#1-12) on pages 7-8.  Below you will find some video clips that will help you understand the MAIN causes :) 


Homework: Catch up day

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 24

Journal : No Journal

 Today in class we did a simulation which showed how important ALLIANCES were as a catalyst to WWI. If you were absent, you missed out on a fun class :( 


Homework: Chapter 27 Lesson 1-2

Next week with testing there will be a few changes: 

1st, 3rd, 5th periods:  on TUESDAY we will have class in Room #3000

2nd 4th periods: on THURSDAY you will have your English testing; if you are NOT testing you will go to LGI 4210

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22/23

Journal #2 : What are 2 causes of Imperialism?  (slide #1)

In class: Today you filled out pages 5-6 of your packets- if you were absent you will have to get these notes when you return! 
 We also did an in-class activity....... IMPERIALISM SKITS! If you were absent make-up instructions can be found below! You were also given Opium War Primary Sources worksheet which will be due on Friday! (if you were absent pick one up when you return) 

Homework: Chapter 26 Lesson 1-2

SKIT MAKEUP: You will be using the following political cartoon to write a play! This will be due on MONDAY

Characters: England, Russia, Germany, and Africa

Synopsis of cartoon: The European countries are quickly dividing Africa amongst themselves with little consideration as to what Africa wants.

Each character must have at least four complete sentences of dialogue and the conversation must be relevant to the issue of Imperialism in your specific country.

Your play must also accurately use the following vocabulary words: Imperialism, Colony, Berlin Conference, Scramble for Africa, Nationalism, and Industrialization

Your play will be graded based on accuracy and creativity.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21

Journal : None

In Class: Page 2-3 in packet! You worked on the ANNOTATED MAP OF IMPERIALISM!
Instructions are on page 2 of your packet the map is on page 3; if you were unable to finish in class this becomes homework. 


Homework: Chapter 25 Lesson 3-4

March 20

Welcome back from spring break! Today we started our new unit.... Imperialism + WWI

For your journal use the following cartoon to answer 3 questions: 

Journal #1: 
  1. Who does the man in the hat represent?
  2. What places is he grabbing?
  3. What do you think this cartoon means?
In Class: I Today we started to learn about Imperialism! We played an imperialism game and you filled out page 1 of your new note packet! 


Homework: Chapter 25 Lesson 1-2

Friday, March 10, 2017

March 10

Today we learned more about digital citizenship and tied up any loose ends :)

Enjoy your spring break! Be safe and I'll see you in 10 DAYS!!!!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 8/9

Today was TEST DAY!!!! 

In Class: You Turned in your packets, we played a review game and you took the test!!!! 

If you were absent, you will make the test up during class on Friday! 

NOTE: Once you've turned your packets in and taken the test, your grade CANNOT go down! 

Homework:  NONE!!!!  

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 7

Activity: Effects of the Industrial Revolution quiz on page 9-10 of packet

Journal #5:   What is natural selection?

In Class: Today we talked about the Politics and Culture during the Industrial Revolution! You filled out page 13 of your note packet


Homework: Study for TEST!  Your Unit 10 Packet and Test are next class period! This will be the final thing on your grade for this term...... please come prepared for class and then you get to enjoy a LOOONNNGGG spring break :) 

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6

Journal #4:   
Last Name A-H> you are a FACTORY OWNER

Last Name I-Z> you are a WORKER

      Write down for me 3 ways in which your life would change because of the Industrial Revolution….

In Class: Today we worked with Primary sources (sourcing + corroboration) to learn more about the working conditions within the factories and you turned in the worksheet. If you were absent, come see me for the worksheet + documents! 


Homework: Study for TEST!  

Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3

Journal #3:   Match the inventor to the invention

          1.      James Watt
          2.      Thomas Edison
          3.      Henry Bessemer
          4.      Eli Whitney
          5.      Louis Pasteur
a.       Steel making process
b.      Discovery of bacteria
c.       Steam engine
d.      Light bulb
e.       Cotton gin


In Class:  Today you turned in your lyric analyzation homework! We learned about more inventions that took place during the Industrial Revolution!!!! You filled out pages 11-12 of your packet; make sure that you do the FREE RESPONSE QUESTION on page 12 :)


Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 3 also keep in mind that the test is coming up next Wed/Thur so if you haven't gotten started on your review, now would be the time! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1/2

In Class: Today we learned about some of the most important inventions that occurred during the Industrial Revolution! You created infomercials to sell these products and filled out pages 6-7 of your note packet!  


·    Students will need to pick one the inventions from the industrial revolution and write a script for a commercial they would use to sell the product today (commercial would be 1-2 minutes) 

We also talked about the Effects of the Industrial Revolution + new economic systems and filled out note packet page 8


Video:  We finished  ‘The Men who Built America: Episode 1: A new war begins’

Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 3 + SONG LYRICS NEXT CLASS!