Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3

Journal #3:   Match the inventor to the invention

          1.      James Watt
          2.      Thomas Edison
          3.      Henry Bessemer
          4.      Eli Whitney
          5.      Louis Pasteur
a.       Steel making process
b.      Discovery of bacteria
c.       Steam engine
d.      Light bulb
e.       Cotton gin


In Class:  Today you turned in your lyric analyzation homework! We learned about more inventions that took place during the Industrial Revolution!!!! You filled out pages 11-12 of your packet; make sure that you do the FREE RESPONSE QUESTION on page 12 :)


Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 3 also keep in mind that the test is coming up next Wed/Thur so if you haven't gotten started on your review, now would be the time! 

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