Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22/23

Journal #2 : What are 2 causes of Imperialism?  (slide #1)

In class: Today you filled out pages 5-6 of your packets- if you were absent you will have to get these notes when you return! 
 We also did an in-class activity....... IMPERIALISM SKITS! If you were absent make-up instructions can be found below! You were also given Opium War Primary Sources worksheet which will be due on Friday! (if you were absent pick one up when you return) 

Homework: Chapter 26 Lesson 1-2

SKIT MAKEUP: You will be using the following political cartoon to write a play! This will be due on MONDAY

Characters: England, Russia, Germany, and Africa

Synopsis of cartoon: The European countries are quickly dividing Africa amongst themselves with little consideration as to what Africa wants.

Each character must have at least four complete sentences of dialogue and the conversation must be relevant to the issue of Imperialism in your specific country.

Your play must also accurately use the following vocabulary words: Imperialism, Colony, Berlin Conference, Scramble for Africa, Nationalism, and Industrialization

Your play will be graded based on accuracy and creativity.

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