Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23/24

I am back! Welcome to World History.... again

In Class:  we essentially did another 'welcome' day; you filled out a get to know you form (if absent come pick one up from me ASAP or you can find it under the class documents tab and print one out yourself)

We went over my disclosure document, syllabus as well as my class expectations.  If you need another copy of these documents you will find them under the 'Class Documents' tab.

An important theme we will be exploring this year are the skills of historians :) we started to discuss what these skills are and why they are important.  Over the course of the year we will continue to delve deeper into these important skills and you will have several opportunities to practice them! I gave you a worksheet (also found under the class docs tab) introducing these skills that you turned in or will turn into me by Wednesday.

Homework: If you haven't turned in your get to know you form and/or skills of a historian worksheet they are due next class period.  You also have reading assignments found on your syllabus:
Monday: Chapter 10 Lesson 1
Tuesday: Chapter 12 Lesson 1

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