Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 26

Journal #1: What freedoms are you willing to give up for protection?

Journal #2: If you could get rid of 1 law for 1 day what would it be and why?

In Class: Today we did a quick review of the role of the Catholic church in medieval times as well as feudalism (you should have read about this already)---
**if you need more info check out the video I posted below :)

You were given your new packets! Please don't try to use the book to fill these out... it won't work. We will work on them together in class! You worked in groups and completed page 4 of your packet (if absent you can find all of the materials you need under the Unit 4 tab--- you'll need England, Russia, Spain, France and forming Euro nations instructions)  If you did not finish this in class, it becomes homework. We finished class learning about the Magna Carta.  You received a worksheet that will be turned in on Monday (if you did not finish, it will become homework) 

Homework: Make sure that page 4 of your packet is complete and be ready to turn in your Magna Carta assignment Monday! 
Today's reading is a make up day :) and tomorrows readings are Chapter 10 Lesson 2  I would strongly suggest that you get going on your test reviews (pages 10-13 in your packet) 
Your test is coming up Nov 8/9

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