Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 31

Journal #4: Tell me what the Enlightenment was all about!

In Class: Today worked in groups to create a timeline detailing the Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution! If you were absent, you will be responsible for completing the assignment! I will post the instructions below!

Homework: Enlightenment Propaganda Posters + TEST are FEBRUARY 7


Enlightenment + Revolution Timeline

Create a timeline which includes the historical events or persons listed below.  For each entry on your timeline, include the date/s AND a two-sentence annotation of its historical significance.  Include 10 illustrations.

Ø  Hobbes publishes Leviathan

Ø  "The Glorious Revolution”

Ø  English Bill of Rights is Created

Ø  Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government.

Ø  Montesquieu published The Spirit of the Laws.

Ø  “Laissez-Faire”- Adam Smith

Ø  Diderot published The Encyclopedia

Ø  Voltaire-Deism

Ø  Rousseau published The Social Contract

Ø  American Revolution Begins

Ø  Mary Wollstonecraft- Vindication of the Rights of Women

Ø  French Revolution Begins

Ø  Thomas Paine's Rights of Man was written

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30

Journal #2:  The Enlightenment was all about self-discovery; tell me what you LOVE about life! 

Journal #3: Tell me about a science experiment you have done OR Tell me about an experiment you would like to do

In Class: We began class by learning about art + music of the time period. Today we talked about the Scientific Revolution as well as the Enlightenment thinkers! You filled out pages 6-7 of your packets (if absent you may get these notes when you return).  I also introduced your project for the unit! You will be making propaganda posters centered on one of the Enlightenment ideas! The explanation is below

ÒSelect an Enlightenment thinker OR idea: 
Éie. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu,  Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Mary Wollstonecraft  etc.  (pg. 6-7 of packet)
ÉReason, Individualism & Skepticism, Religious tolerance, freedom of speech, natural rights etc. 
ÒCreate  a Propaganda poster!
ÒYour poster must include: Both words + Graphics J

ÒDue: Day of the TEST!!!!

Homework: Get started on your test reviews and your Propaganda Posters (Both due February 6)

Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29

Journal #3: Tell me about a science experiment you have done OR Tell me about an experiment you would like to do

In Class: Today we talked about the Scientific Revolution as well as the Enlightenment thinkers! You filled out pages 6-7 of your packets (if absent you may get these notes when you return).  I also introduced your project for the unit! You will be making propaganda posters centered on one of the Enlightenment ideas! The explanation is below

ÒSelect an Enlightenment thinker OR idea: 
Éie. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu,  Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Mary Wollstonecraft  etc.  (pg. 6-7 of packet)
ÉReason, Individualism & Skepticism, Religious tolerance, freedom of speech, natural rights etc. 
ÒCreate  a Propaganda poster!
ÒYour poster must include: Both words + Graphics J

ÒDue: Day of the TEST!!!!

Homework: Get started on your test reviews and your Propaganda Posters (Both due February 6/7) 

Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26

Journal #2: The Enlightenment was about self-discovery; tell me what you love about life!

In Class:  Today was a bit of a mash up of a bunch of things! You turned in your King Louis schedule, we learned about arts and music and you completed pages 4-5 of your packet.... If you didn't finish it becomes homework :)

Homework: Get started on your reviews, finish pages 4-5 of your packets!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Jan 24/25

Today we started our new unit: Enlightenment + Revolution! If you were absent you can pick up a packet from me when I see you next :) 

Journal #1: If you had total power over a country what is ONE law you would impose? 

In Class: Today we learned about Absolutism, Divine Right, and the Absolute Monarchs- you filled out pages 2-3 of your notes.  We also did the 'Daily Schedule of Louis XIV' worksheet that will be due on Friday (or Tuesday if you have class Tues/Thurs)

Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 2-4- you may also get started on your reviews! Your test will be Feb 6/7!
7th period: you also need to finish pages 4-5 of your packet if you did NOT finish in class! This will be due with your packet the day of the test (Feb 7) 

** The counselors also came in to talk with you about next year! 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Jan 22/23

Today you took your Unit 7 Test!!!! 

**You also turned in your packets (you are responsible for the movie notes, Meso-America notes, and the review) 

Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 1

Friday, January 19, 2018

Wow the last week has been crazy.... 
I've been out for soccer, the freeze don't worry everything will return to normal shortly! 

In class: You have worked on your reviews (pgs. 7-9) of your packets and prepared for your test which will be Mon/Tues of next week.  I will be here Monday morning if you would like to check your reviews with me :) 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 10/11

Journal:  None

In Class:  Today you worked in groups to learn more about the explorers, their journeys, and technology.  At the end of class you turned in a  packet! 

* If you were absent you can make this assignment up by doing the following: Choose an explorer and write 1 paragraph on their background adn 2 paragraphs on their accomplishments.  You also must create a map depicting where they journeyed to. 

Homework: Chapter 19 Lesson 1-2- TEST IS JAN 17/18

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9

Journal #3: Name 1 person you wish you didn't have to deal with today- why?

In Class: We finished up 'Guns, Germs and Steel' then learned about Meso-America filling out page 3 of your packets

Homework: Work on your reviews + Chapter 17 Lessons 2-3; TEST IS JAN 17/18

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8

Journal #3: Name 1 person you wish you didn't have to deal with today- why?

In Class: We finished up 'Guns, Germs and Steel' then learned about Meso-America filling out page 3 of your packets

Homework: Work on your reviews + Chapter 17 Lessons 2-3; TEST IS JAN 17/18

January 5

Journal #2: If you could have dinner with 1 person (dead or alive) who would it be? Why? 

In Class: Today you learned more about the explorers of the 16-17th c. You completed the 'Dinner Party' worksheet; if you were absent you can come get one from me when  you return! 

Homework: Ch. 17 Lesson 1--- get working on  your reviews (test is January 17) 

January 4

Welcome Back!!! 
I hope you all had a fantastic break and are refreshed and ready to finish the year strong! 

Today we started our new unit 'Age of Exploration' and you got your new packets.  If you were absent you may pick up a packet when you return.

Journal #1: If you could explore a place for 1 day, where would you go and WHY?

In Class: We began with a DBQ to determine the initial impressions that he Europeans and the non-Europeans created of one another which ultimately help us reach conclusions about each groups interactions with each other in the New World.  We also began watching 'Guns, Germs and Steel' using pages 1-2 of your packets.  We will finish the movie later on in class. (video posted below)

Homework: Your test will be January 17- so you may begin working on your test reviews (the last pages of your packets)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Jan 3

Welcome Back!!! 
I hope you all had a fantastic break and are refreshed and ready to finish the year strong! 

Today we started our new unit 'Age of Exploration' and you got your new packets.  If you were absent you may pick up a packet when you return.

Journal #1: If you could explore a place for 1 day, where would you go and WHY?

In Class: We began with a DBQ to determine the initial impressions that he Europeans and the non-Europeans created of one another which ultimately help us reach conclusions about each groups interactions with each other in the New World.  We also began watching 'Guns, Germs and Steel' using pages 1-2 of your packets.  We will finish the movie later on in class. (video posted below)

Homework: Your test will be January 17- so you may begin working on your test reviews (the last pages of your packets)