Monday, January 8, 2018

January 4

Welcome Back!!! 
I hope you all had a fantastic break and are refreshed and ready to finish the year strong! 

Today we started our new unit 'Age of Exploration' and you got your new packets.  If you were absent you may pick up a packet when you return.

Journal #1: If you could explore a place for 1 day, where would you go and WHY?

In Class: We began with a DBQ to determine the initial impressions that he Europeans and the non-Europeans created of one another which ultimately help us reach conclusions about each groups interactions with each other in the New World.  We also began watching 'Guns, Germs and Steel' using pages 1-2 of your packets.  We will finish the movie later on in class. (video posted below)

Homework: Your test will be January 17- so you may begin working on your test reviews (the last pages of your packets)

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