Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30

Journal #2:  The Enlightenment was all about self-discovery; tell me what you LOVE about life! 

Journal #3: Tell me about a science experiment you have done OR Tell me about an experiment you would like to do

In Class: We began class by learning about art + music of the time period. Today we talked about the Scientific Revolution as well as the Enlightenment thinkers! You filled out pages 6-7 of your packets (if absent you may get these notes when you return).  I also introduced your project for the unit! You will be making propaganda posters centered on one of the Enlightenment ideas! The explanation is below

ÒSelect an Enlightenment thinker OR idea: 
Éie. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu,  Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Mary Wollstonecraft  etc.  (pg. 6-7 of packet)
ÉReason, Individualism & Skepticism, Religious tolerance, freedom of speech, natural rights etc. 
ÒCreate  a Propaganda poster!
ÒYour poster must include: Both words + Graphics J

ÒDue: Day of the TEST!!!!

Homework: Get started on your test reviews and your Propaganda Posters (Both due February 6)

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