Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Jan 24/25

Today we started our new unit: Enlightenment + Revolution! If you were absent you can pick up a packet from me when I see you next :) 

Journal #1: If you had total power over a country what is ONE law you would impose? 

In Class: Today we learned about Absolutism, Divine Right, and the Absolute Monarchs- you filled out pages 2-3 of your notes.  We also did the 'Daily Schedule of Louis XIV' worksheet that will be due on Friday (or Tuesday if you have class Tues/Thurs)

Homework: Chapter 18 Lesson 2-4- you may also get started on your reviews! Your test will be Feb 6/7!
7th period: you also need to finish pages 4-5 of your packet if you did NOT finish in class! This will be due with your packet the day of the test (Feb 7) 

** The counselors also came in to talk with you about next year! 

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