Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 28

Today was PSAT testing! Good luck I'm sure you all did fantastic :)

Because of testing we did not have class today!

Homework: PROJECT.PROJECT.PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Due: Mon for periods and Tues for period 7- please be diligent in completing this! 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 27

We started our new unit today: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 

Journal #1: What do you think is the most important invention? 

In Class: I handed out the new unit 10 packets last Thursday (which we started today), if you were absent you can pick one up on Thursday. I also re-introduced the unit project DUE TUESDAY MARCH 6 (if absent I sent out an email to your parents with instructions and you can pick up a hard copy from me if you want one Thursday) this is NOT something to blow off so you need to be diligent in completing the assignment.  You also figured out your horsepower :) 

Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 1, if you didn't finish Horsepower worksheet finish it, get thinking about what you want to do for your projects!

Friday, February 23, 2018

February 23

We started our new unit today: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 

Journal #1: What do you think is the most important invention? 

In Class: I handed out the new unit 10 packets, if you were absent you can pick one up on Monday. I also introduced the unit project DUE MONDAY MARCH 5 (if absent I sent out an email to your parents with instructions and you can pick up a hard copy from me if you want one Monday) this is NOT something to blow off so you need to be diligent in completing the assignment.  You also figured out your horsepower :) 

Homework: Chapter 24 Lesson 1, if you didn't finish Horsepower worksheet finish it, get thinking about what you want to do for your projects!

February 22

NO Journal today! 

In Class: Today you turned in your Unit 9 Packet and took the Unit 9 Test! 

Homework: None--- enjoy :) 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21

NO Journal today! 

In Class: Today you turned in your Unit 9 Packet and took the Unit 9 Test! 

Homework: None--- enjoy :) 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Feb 19

Journal #5: When do you know you are successful?  Is there an “unreachable bar” with success? If not, where is “the bar?”What are things you can be doing now to be successful? 

In Class: Today we finished up your note packet (page 7)  talking about revolutions in Latin America (the video below will better explain :)) ------ come see me to get these notes if you were ABSENT!

Homework:  Work on your reviews! Your your packets are due and you will be taking the test next class period!

Friday, February 16, 2018

February 16

Journal:  None

In Class:  Today we had an activity simulating what occurred at the Congress of Vienna- +if you were absent instructions are below on how you will make it up! We filled out page 8 of your packets

IF ABSENT to make up: Today we held a debate about the European powers coming together to discuss what to do with post-Napoleon Europe .  To make this assignment up you will need to research what each of the European Powers present would have chosen with the situation below (write the # of what the country would have chosen & WHY. You will be writing for the following countries: Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Austria (aka Habsburg Empire)

Napoleon is gone, the great powers need to decide on who will rule France in his stead.
Options are:
  1. Napoleon’s son could be Emperor Napoleon II
  2. Louis Bourbon could be brought back as Louis XVII
  3. France could become a Republic with a Democratic Government

Homework: Work on study guides to prepare for your test coming up next week! (TUES/WED)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

February 15


Journal #3: What is your favorite thing about valentines day?

Journal #4: Read the following excerpt and answer the questions on Journal #4 of your packet: The Revolutions of 1848 occurred in Europe against traditional monarchies.  It began in France led by teh middle classes and workers, and spread to most of Europe and parts of Latin America.  Over 50 countries were affected, but with no coordination or cooperation among the revolutionaries in different countries.  Within a year, however, thousands were killed and the revolutions collapsed, put down by authorities.

Journal #5: When do you know you are successful?  Is there an “unreachable bar” with success? If not, where is “the bar?”What are things you can be doing now to be successful? 

In Class: Today we finished Napoleon notes (PP under pages- Unit 9) talked about Nationalism and how that will affect both Italy and Germany- you filled out page 6 of your packet. We also finished page 7 talking about revolutions in Latin America (the video below will better explain :)) ------ come see me to get these notes if you were ABSENT!

Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 4 + Work on your reviews! Your test will be February 21/22--- this is next Wed/Thur so make sure that you are prepared!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14


Journal #3: What is your favorite thing about Valentines Day? 

Journal #4: Read the following excerpt and answer the questions on Journal #4 of your packet: The Revolutions of 1848 occurred in Europe against traditional monarchies.  It began in France led by teh middle classes and workers, and spread to most of Europe and parts of Latin America.  Over 50 countries were affected, but with no coordination or cooperation among the revolutionaries in different countries.  Within a year, however, thousands were killed and the revolutions collapsed, put down by authorities.

In Class: Today we talked about Nationalism and how that will affect both Italy and Germany- you filled out page 6 of your packet.  I also handed out 2 bathroom passes, if you were absent, make sure that you come see me to claim them

Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 4 + Work on your reviews! Your test will be February 21/22--- this is next Wed/Thur so make sure that you are prepared!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 12/13

Journal #2: During what stage of the Revolution did Robspierre lead? Why do you think the 'radical phase' got that name?

In Class: You took a pop quiz over the French Revolution! If you were absent you have until Friday Feb 16 to make this up! 

Today we talked about Napoleon's rise and fall in power! You filled out pages 4-5 of your packet- if you were absent you can access the PowerPoint under the Unit 9 (Go to pages (right hand side of page) Unit 9- Revolutions, click the link 'packet, review, etc' and find the Day 2 PowerPoint!

Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 1-3
Get going on your reviews the unit test will be February 21/22!
** Period 5- you must have pages 4-5 complete when class starts on Wednesday see above if you need help accessing the PowerPoint! 

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 9

Journal #1: Come see me to make this journal up!

In Class: Today we started the French Revolution! You got new packets and filled out pages 2-3; if you were absent you can get these notes from me or from a friend.  You also started the comparing declarations worksheet that MUST be completed by class on Monday!

Homework: If you did not finish the comparing declarations worksheet finish it! Chapter 22 Lesson 3

Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8

Journal #1: Come see me to make this journal up!

In Class: Today we started the French Revolution! You got new packets and filled out pages 2-3; if you were absent you can get these notes from me or from a friend.  You also started the comparing declarations worksheet that MUST be completed by class on Tuesday!

Homework: If you did not finish the comparing declarations worksheet finish it! Chapter 22 Lesson 3-4

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7

Today in class we did 3 things:

1. Took the Unit 8 Test
2. Turned in the Unit 8 Packet
3. Turned in your propaganda poster assignment!

Homework: Chapter 22 Lesson 1-2

If you did not turn in #2 and/or #3 make sure you get them to me ASAP to avoid losing more points- as a refresher you lose 20% off your total score for each day late ie.

1 day late= -20%
2 days late= -40% 
3 days late= -60%
4 days late= -80%
5 days late you will not earn any credit

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6

Today in class we did 3 things:

1. Took the Unit 8 Test
2. Turned in the Unit 8 Packet
3. Turned in your propaganda poster assignment!

Homework: Chapter 22 Lesson 1-2

If you did not turn in #2 and/or #3 make sure you get them to me ASAP to avoid losing more points- as a refresher you lose 20% off your total score for each day late ie.

1 day late= -20%
2 days late= -40% 
3 days late= -60%
4 days late= -80%
5 days late you will not earn any credit

Monday, February 5, 2018

February 5

Today in class was a review day! You prepared for your upcoming test which will be Wednesday! 

**IMPORTANT! Your Propaganda Posters are due Wednesday as well.... make sure they are finished and ready to be turned in :) 

Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2

Journal: None

In Class: Today in class you completed an Enlightenment quiz + crossword and finished up your timelines (due today... NO exceptions!) Your reviews NEED to be finished by Monday for the review game that we will play in class :)

* Test will be Wednesday February 7 

Homework: Complete reviews (found in packet) and PROPAGANDA POSTER (due Wednesday)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 1

Journal #4: Tell me what the Enlightenment was all about!

In Class: Today worked in groups to create a timeline detailing the Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution! If you were absent, you will be responsible for completing the assignment! I will post the instructions below!

Homework: Enlightenment Propaganda Posters + TEST are FEBRUARY 7


Enlightenment + Revolution Timeline

Create a timeline which includes the historical events or persons listed below.  For each entry on your timeline, include the date/s AND a two-sentence annotation of its historical significance.  Include 10 illustrations.

Ø  Hobbes publishes Leviathan

Ø  "The Glorious Revolution”

Ø  English Bill of Rights is Created

Ø  Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government.

Ø  Montesquieu published The Spirit of the Laws.

Ø  “Laissez-Faire”- Adam Smith

Ø  Diderot published The Encyclopedia

Ø  Voltaire-Deism

Ø  Rousseau published The Social Contract

Ø  American Revolution Begins

Ø  Mary Wollstonecraft- Vindication of the Rights of Women

Ø  French Revolution Begins

Ø  Thomas Paine's Rights of Man was written