Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 12/13

Journal #2: During what stage of the Revolution did Robspierre lead? Why do you think the 'radical phase' got that name?

In Class: You took a pop quiz over the French Revolution! If you were absent you have until Friday Feb 16 to make this up! 

Today we talked about Napoleon's rise and fall in power! You filled out pages 4-5 of your packet- if you were absent you can access the PowerPoint under the Unit 9 (Go to pages (right hand side of page) Unit 9- Revolutions, click the link 'packet, review, etc' and find the Day 2 PowerPoint!

Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 1-3
Get going on your reviews the unit test will be February 21/22!
** Period 5- you must have pages 4-5 complete when class starts on Wednesday see above if you need help accessing the PowerPoint! 

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