Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14


Journal #3: What is your favorite thing about Valentines Day? 

Journal #4: Read the following excerpt and answer the questions on Journal #4 of your packet: The Revolutions of 1848 occurred in Europe against traditional monarchies.  It began in France led by teh middle classes and workers, and spread to most of Europe and parts of Latin America.  Over 50 countries were affected, but with no coordination or cooperation among the revolutionaries in different countries.  Within a year, however, thousands were killed and the revolutions collapsed, put down by authorities.

In Class: Today we talked about Nationalism and how that will affect both Italy and Germany- you filled out page 6 of your packet.  I also handed out 2 bathroom passes, if you were absent, make sure that you come see me to claim them

Homework: Chapter 23 Lesson 4 + Work on your reviews! Your test will be February 21/22--- this is next Wed/Thur so make sure that you are prepared!

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