Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 1

Journal #4: Tell me what the Enlightenment was all about!

In Class: Today worked in groups to create a timeline detailing the Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution! If you were absent, you will be responsible for completing the assignment! I will post the instructions below!

Homework: Enlightenment Propaganda Posters + TEST are FEBRUARY 7


Enlightenment + Revolution Timeline

Create a timeline which includes the historical events or persons listed below.  For each entry on your timeline, include the date/s AND a two-sentence annotation of its historical significance.  Include 10 illustrations.

Ø  Hobbes publishes Leviathan

Ø  "The Glorious Revolution”

Ø  English Bill of Rights is Created

Ø  Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government.

Ø  Montesquieu published The Spirit of the Laws.

Ø  “Laissez-Faire”- Adam Smith

Ø  Diderot published The Encyclopedia

Ø  Voltaire-Deism

Ø  Rousseau published The Social Contract

Ø  American Revolution Begins

Ø  Mary Wollstonecraft- Vindication of the Rights of Women

Ø  French Revolution Begins

Ø  Thomas Paine's Rights of Man was written

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