Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27

Today we started our new unit! COLD WAR 

Journal #1: What fears do the American public have today?
In Class:  You received your new packets and reviews! We took notes on page 1-2 'Section 1: Beginning Cold War'; if you were absent you can get these notes from me or from a friend when you return :) 

You were also divided into the Soviets and the Americans- throughout this unit we will have a class competition! 

-       Ways to earn points:

A. 1 point for each student who is in class on time. -1 point for every tardy student.

B. 1 point for each student who completes tasks and homeworks

  C. Various points awarded for class competitions.

  D. Extra credit for each student who brings a 1950s food/dish on May 4
I'm not expecting main dish meals--pick a drink or appetizer or dessert or your Grandma's classic Jell-O dish.

  E. Extra credit for each student who comes to class dressed in 1950s style on May 4*Dont’ forget about Greasers!

Please note: I'm not expecting you to go all out or spend a lot of money on these last two point opportunities. This is supposed to be a fun way to get into the decade and compete.

After the lecture you filled out the Comparing Economies worksheet (pg. 10 in packet)

Homework: Chapter 31 Lesson 2

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25/26


You turned your Unit 12 packets in and took your unit test! 

1. IF ABSENT: You will have one week to come in and make your test up; NO EXCEPTIONS

2. IF DIDN'T TURN PACKET IN: Remember every day it is late is -20%, after one week I cannot give you credit so please get it turned in ASAP!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 24

Journal #6:   When do you think the use of Atomic Bombs is appropriate? 

Journal #7: How should we deal with spies and people who commit treason against the US?   

     In Class:  Today we went over the A-Bomb, End of the War, and War Impact (Note Packet: pages 12-14 section 8,9,10) You also filled out page 17 of your packet 'Nuremberg Trials' and turned it in; if you were absent you need to come in during tutoring to complete this activity! 

Homework: Make sure that your packets and reviews are complete by THURSDAY as you will be turning them in and taking your UNIT TEST! Remember you may come in during tutorials to get any extra help that you may need :) 

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23

In Class: Today we finished up your packets (Section 8 & 10) We also played a review game in preparation for your upcoming test..... WEDNESDAY APRIL 25!!!!

Homework: Make sure that your packets and reviews are complete by Wednesday as you will be turning them in and taking your unit test! Remember you may come in during tutorials to get any extra help that you may need :) 

Friday, April 20, 2018

April 20

Journal #7: How should we deal with spies and people who commit treason against the US?   

In Class:  Today we went over the End of the War (Note Packet: page 13 section 9) You also filled out page 17 of your packet 'Nuremberg Trials' and turned it in; if you were absent you need to come in during tutoring to complete this activity! 

Homework: You have your upcoming test Wednesday April 25 so please start to prepare for TEST!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19

Journal #5: What is the Consequence of Inaction?

In Class: You turned in page 15-16  of your note packet! If you did not, make sure that you get it to me by Tuesday!

Today we went over the Holocaust; each of you represented somebody who experienced the first hand effects of the horrific event.  You filled out section 7 of your notes 'The Holocaust'

Homework: Get working on your reviews! Your test will be a week from today- Thursday April 26

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 18

Journal #5: What is the Consequence of Inaction?

In Class: You turned in page 15-16  of your note packet! If you did not, make sure that you get it to me by Friday!

Today we went over the Holocaust; each of you represented somebody who experienced the first hand effects of the horrific event.  You filled out section 7 of your notes 'The Holocaust'

Homework: Get working on your reviews! Your test will be a week from today- Wednesday April 25

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17

Journal #3Tell me everything you know about the attack on Pearl Harbor

Journal #4: I want you to think of a time you were made fun of for the way you looked, talked, acted, dressed, or for your gender, race, age, etc.
         When was it?
         What happened?
         How did it make you feel

In Class: Today you filled out section 5 'America moves to War + Pearl Harbor' and Section 6 'Home Front'--- pages 7-10! You were also assigned page 16 as homework

Homework: Make sure that pages 15 and 16 are complete! Also get going on your reviews! Your test will be next Thursday April 26!

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16

Journal #3Tell me everything you know about the attack on Pearl Harbor

Journal #4: I want you to think of a time you were made fun of for the way you looked, talked, acted, dressed, or for your gender, race, age, etc.
         When was it?
         What happened?
         How did it make you feel

In Class: Today you filled out section 5 'America moves to War + Pearl Harbor' and Section 6 'Home Front'--- pages 7-10! You were also assigned page 16 as homework

Homework: Make sure that pages 15 and 16 are complete! Also get going on your reviews! Your test will be next Wednesday April 25

Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12

Journal: None 

In Class: Today we finished up sections 2-3 of your notes! If you were absent you may access the PowerPoint for section 3 of your notes (directions below) You also finished page 15 of your packet ‘Major turning point battles in World War II’.  If you didn't finish in class this becomes homework!

To Access PowerPoint:
1.       Go to my Class Blog-
2.       On Right hand side of blog under pages find Unit 12: WWII
3.       Click on the red link titled ‘Note Packet + Review’
4.       This will take you to my google drive- click on the PowerPoint labeled ‘Day 3- Nationalist Movements + Nazism’  
a.       You may have to download the PowerPoint in order for it to work properly

**Homework: Your unit test will be Thursday April 26!!! So they need to be working on and studying their reviews J

April 11

Journal: None

In Class: Today we talked about the start of the war in Europe; you took notes on page 3-4 of your packet (section 2: War in Europe) Make sure you understand the idea of APPEASEMENT..... and what started the second World War!

Homework: Get started on your reviews! These reviews are a new format which will require some more diligence- remember if you need or want extra help come to tutoring so I can give it to you! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 9/10

Today we started our new Unit! WWII + Nationalism... if you were absent please come pick up the packet and review ASAP! These last few weeks of school I need you to be diligent and finish out this year strong! Please.Please.Please.Please if you are behind, need help, are confused, failing etc. come see me during tutor time! I can and will help get you passing and understanding- I promise :) 

Journal #1: What makes someone a dangerous leader?

Journal #2: Use the following cartoon to answer the 3 questions: 
Image result for dr seuss ww2 political cartoons
1.1. Who is this artist of this cartoon?
2.2. The leaders of what 2 countries are depicted in the drawing?
3.3. What is the cartoon attempting to get people to do?

In Class: Today you received your new packets we filled out section 1 and began section 2 (we will finish section 2 next time in class)

Homework: Get going on your reviews! These reviews are a little different than those in the past- you will need to be diligent in working on them daily in class and at home!
Your next test will be April 25/26 
(packets will also be due this day) 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April 5/6

Today you took the unit test and turned in your packets! If you were absent you MUST turn your packet in the day you return and you will have ONE WEEK to make up your test! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April 4

Journal #5: Who is the most heroic person you have ever met or read about?

Journal #6: How do you handle conflict?

In Class: Today we filled out page 8 of your packets 'Russian Revolution', went over 14 points and the treaty of Versailles

Homework: Make sure your packets are finished as you will be turning them in and taking the test on Friday!

Monday, April 2, 2018

April 3

April 2

Journal #4 : What do you think would be the BEST and WORST thing about being in the trenches?

In Class: Today we learned all about trench warfare! you filled out #13 on page 2 of your packets; if absent you may grab these notes from a friend or come in during tutor time 

Here are some videos on trench warfare

Homework: Your test has been moved to this Friday! Please get working on your reviews so you will be prepared :)