Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12

Journal: None 

In Class: Today we finished up sections 2-3 of your notes! If you were absent you may access the PowerPoint for section 3 of your notes (directions below) You also finished page 15 of your packet ‘Major turning point battles in World War II’.  If you didn't finish in class this becomes homework!

To Access PowerPoint:
1.       Go to my Class Blog-
2.       On Right hand side of blog under pages find Unit 12: WWII
3.       Click on the red link titled ‘Note Packet + Review’
4.       This will take you to my google drive- click on the PowerPoint labeled ‘Day 3- Nationalist Movements + Nazism’  
a.       You may have to download the PowerPoint in order for it to work properly

**Homework: Your unit test will be Thursday April 26!!! So they need to be working on and studying their reviews J

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