Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 9/10

Today we started our new Unit! WWII + Nationalism... if you were absent please come pick up the packet and review ASAP! These last few weeks of school I need you to be diligent and finish out this year strong! Please.Please.Please.Please if you are behind, need help, are confused, failing etc. come see me during tutor time! I can and will help get you passing and understanding- I promise :) 

Journal #1: What makes someone a dangerous leader?

Journal #2: Use the following cartoon to answer the 3 questions: 
Image result for dr seuss ww2 political cartoons
1.1. Who is this artist of this cartoon?
2.2. The leaders of what 2 countries are depicted in the drawing?
3.3. What is the cartoon attempting to get people to do?

In Class: Today you received your new packets we filled out section 1 and began section 2 (we will finish section 2 next time in class)

Homework: Get going on your reviews! These reviews are a little different than those in the past- you will need to be diligent in working on them daily in class and at home!
Your next test will be April 25/26 
(packets will also be due this day) 

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