Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27

Today we started our new unit! COLD WAR 

Journal #1: What fears do the American public have today?
In Class:  You received your new packets and reviews! We took notes on page 1-2 'Section 1: Beginning Cold War'; if you were absent you can get these notes from me or from a friend when you return :) 

You were also divided into the Soviets and the Americans- throughout this unit we will have a class competition! 

-       Ways to earn points:

A. 1 point for each student who is in class on time. -1 point for every tardy student.

B. 1 point for each student who completes tasks and homeworks

  C. Various points awarded for class competitions.

  D. Extra credit for each student who brings a 1950s food/dish on May 4
I'm not expecting main dish meals--pick a drink or appetizer or dessert or your Grandma's classic Jell-O dish.

  E. Extra credit for each student who comes to class dressed in 1950s style on May 4*Dont’ forget about Greasers!

Please note: I'm not expecting you to go all out or spend a lot of money on these last two point opportunities. This is supposed to be a fun way to get into the decade and compete.

After the lecture you filled out the Comparing Economies worksheet (pg. 10 in packet)

Homework: Chapter 31 Lesson 2

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