Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11/12

Today you prepared for finals! You worked on your final reviews or other homework in class :)
If you need to print another copy of the final review it is posted under the 'class docs' tab

the final exam schedule is posted below: 


2nd 12:11-1:34
1st  1:39-3:02
5th   3:07-4:30

3rd   12:11-2:16
6th    2:25-4:30

4th   11:45-1:41
7th   1:49-3:45

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8

Today in class we had our Holiday Party!

I went over your grades with you and you worked on your final reviews :)

Monday will be the last day for you to work on your reviews in class so make sure that you bring them 


2nd 12:11-1:34
1st  1:39-3:02
5th   3:07-4:30

3rd   12:11-2:16
6th    2:25-4:30

4th   11:45-1:41
7th   1:49-3:45

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 6/7

Today you turned in your Unit 6 Packets and took the TEST!!!

*When you finished you received the final exam review that you will work on in class Friday, Mon, Tues

If you were absent you need to make this up ASAP.....

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 4/5

Journal #4: Do you believe in love at 1st sight?

In Class: Today you complete your packets (page 7)

If you were absent:
 Go to unit 6 tab and click on link
                                             Open PowerPoint ‘Henry VIII + Anglican Church’
                                                   You will use this PowerPoint to finish page 7

You also worked on completing your test review pages 8-9 of their packets

    Homework: Make sure your packet is complete and ready to turn in next class period! YOUR TEST IS NEXT CLASS PERIOD!!!!!

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1

Journal #3: If you could change 1 thing about KHS what would it be? why?

In Class: Today we started the Reformation; you filled out page 6 of your note packet and I handed out a worksheet- if you didn't finish it will be homework due Tuesday!

Homework: If you didn't get your worksheet done finish and turn it in on Monday! Get your study guides done- your test is next WEDNESDAY!!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30

Journal #2: If you could change 1 thing about KHS what would it be? why?

In Class: Today we started the Reformation; you filled out page 6 of your note packet and I handed out a worksheet- if you didn't finish it will be homework due Tuesday!

Homework: get your study guides done- your test is in ONE WEEK!!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29

Journal #2: If you could have 1 artistic talent, what would it be? Why? OR What artistic talents do you have? 

In Class: Today we wrapped up the Renaissance finishing up your guided notes on page 5, as well as the map on pages 2-3.  We also did an art gallery walk--- if you were absent come see me to make it up!

Homework:  Get started on your test reviews (pages 8-9 of your packet)
Chapter 16 Lesson 1-2

November 28

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and are ready to finish this semester strong!

Journal #1: If your family was starving would you steal food for them? Why/ why not?

In Class: Today we started a new unit.... THE RENAISSANCE! You filled out pages 4-5 of your packet; if you were absent you can get these notes when you return! You also started on the Renaissance Map (pages 2-3)

Homework: Finish the map in your packet (pgs. 2-3) and Get started on your test reviews (pages 8-9 of your packet)
Chapter 15 Lesson 1-2 + Chapter 16 Lesson 1

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and are ready to finish this semester strong!

Journal #1: If your family was starving would you steal food for them? Why/ why not?

In Class: Today we started a new unit.... THE RENAISSANCE! You filled out pages 4-5 of your packet; if you were absent you can get these notes when you return!

Homework: Get started on your test reviews (pages 8-9 of your packet)
Chapter 15 Lesson 1-2

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17

Journal #3: Would you rather be feared or loved? Why?

In Class: Today we learned about Genghis Khan and the Mongols! We finished your note packet (page 5 and 7) then you turned your packet in!

Homework: I want you to look over your grades for my class.... see what you are missing etc. If you have zero's finish those assignments to turn in to me when you return! I hope you all have a fantastic break!  Enjoy

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16

Journal #1: What is the most valuable resource?

In Class: Today you worked on page 6 of your packet (Tang/Song Review sentences) We also learned about Mansa Musa and you practiced your historian skills! If you were absent you can pick up the Mansa Musa packet from me :) We finished up with page 7 of your packets (Mongols) if you finished your packet you turned it in today! If not you MUST turn it in on Tuesday when we get back from Thanksgiving! 

Homework: If you did NOT turn your packet in, make sure that you finish it and get it turned in on Tuesday Nov 28 :) 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15

Journal #2: What is the most valuable resource? 

In Class: Today we learned about Mansa Musa and you practiced your historian skills! If you were absent you can pick up the Mansa Musa packet from me :) 

Homework: Make sure that pages 2 AND 6 are complete in your packet for class on Friday! 

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13

Journal #1: What do you think of China’s one child policy? Will it help control the population? Should other countries adopt the same policy? 

In Class: Today you turned in  your Islam commerce and travel guide! For the remainder of class you learned about the different Chinese Dynasties in Post-Classical China and filled out pages 3-4 of your note packet.  If you were absent, you will need to come in before school to make this assignment up :) 

Homework: Make sure that pages 2,3,4 of your packets are finished! Chapter 9 Lesson 3 adn chapter 11 Lesson 1

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 10

Journal : None

In Class: Today we started our next unit--- Islam, Classical China and Africa! You worked on the Islam Commerce and Travel guide in class using the provided reading.  If you were unable to finish you may turn it in on Monday for full points (the reading associated with the activity can be found under the unit 5 tab)

Homework: Page 2 of your new packets (Islam Map) and if you didn't finish the assignment in class it needs to be completed by Monday when you will turn it in :) Chapter 9 Lesson 2

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Nov 8/9

In Class: Today was TEST DAY! You turned in your unit 4 packets and took the test :)

Homework: Chapter 9 Lesson 1

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Nov 6/7

Journal: None

In Class:  we played a review game.... hopefully you were in class as it should have been very helpful :)

Next class period you will turn your packets in AND take the test! Your packets should be all the way filled out with the exception of the learning target guide and a handful of journals! 

Homework: STUDY FOR YOUR TEST. STUDY. STUDY. STUDY. **If you use your study guide, you will be VERY prepared for the test! 

Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3

Journal #5: What would happen if half the population died? Would there be any benefits? Downsides?

In Class: Today we went over the Black Plague as well as the Great Schism! You filled out pages 8-9 of your packets.  If you were absent you can find the PowerPoint under the unit 4 tab to finish these pages.  You also worked on a black death worksheet that you turned in at the end of class-- if you were absent you can pick one up on Monday.

Homework: Finish up your reviews! We will be reviewing in class on Monday and your review needs to be finished in order to play the game :)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 2

Journal #5: What would happen if half the population died? Would there be any benefits? Downsides?

In Class: Today we went over the Black Plague as well as the Great Schism! You filled out pages 8-9 of your packets.  If you were absent you can find the PowerPoint under the unit 4 tab to work on your packet.  You also worked on a black death worksheet that you turned in at the end of class

Homework: Finish up your reviews! We will be reviewing in class on Tuesday and your review needs to be finished in order to play the game :)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 1

Journal #4:  Write down all the supplies you would need for a journey

In Class: Today we discussed the Crusades! You worked on a primary source packet (that you turned in at the end of class; if you were absent you may print one out from the blog OR come and get one from me) you also filled out pages 6-7 of your packet. Extra Credit was also due today

Homework:  Get going on your reviews!!! (pgs. 10-13 of your packet) we will be reviewing in class next Monday and your reviews will need to be finished in order to play the game!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31

Journal #4:  Write down all the supplies you would need for a journey

In Class: Today we discussed the Crusades! You worked on a primary source packet (that you turned in at the end of class; if you were absent you may print one out from the blog OR come and get one from me) you also filled out pages 6-7 of your packet.

Homework:  Chapter 8 Lesson 5 get going on your reviews!!! (pgs. 10-13 of your packet) we will be reviewing in class next Tuesday and your reviews will need to be finished in order to play the game!

Extra Credit Option: Find an example of Courtly Love in modern media; you will write down where you found it (ie. what movie, TV show etc.) explain the scene and tell me WHY it is an example of Courtly Love--- this will be due Thursday in class.

Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30

Journal #3: Is Chivalry Dead? Why/Why not?

In Class: Today we discussed: HONOR, CHIVALRY and COURTLY LOVE--- we had a class discussion about chivalry in Arthurian times v. now and you filled out page 5 of your note packet.

Homework: Chapter 12 lesson 3 and Chapter 8 Lesson 5

Extra Credit Option: Find an example of Courtly Love in modern media; you will write down where you found it (ie. what movie, TV show etc.) explain the scene and tell me WHY it is an example of Courtly Love--- this will be due Wednesday in class.

Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27

Journal #2: If you could get rid of 1 law for 1 day.... what would it be and WHY?

In Class: Today we went over your building European Nations worksheet and worked on the Magna Carta analysis; you turned in the Magna Carta worksheet at the end of class- if you were unable to finish you may turn it in on Monday! If you lost this or need a reference you can locate it under the Unit 4 tab (Magna Carta v. Constitution)

Homework: Magna Carta worksheet if you were unable to finish in class + Chapter 10 Lesson 1---- your test is coming up Nov 8, I suggest you get going on your reviews :)  

Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 26

Journal #1: What freedoms are you willing to give up for protection?

Journal #2: If you could get rid of 1 law for 1 day what would it be and why?

In Class: Today we did a quick review of the role of the Catholic church in medieval times as well as feudalism (you should have read about this already)---
**if you need more info check out the video I posted below :)

You were given your new packets! Please don't try to use the book to fill these out... it won't work. We will work on them together in class! You worked in groups and completed page 4 of your packet (if absent you can find all of the materials you need under the Unit 4 tab--- you'll need England, Russia, Spain, France and forming Euro nations instructions)  If you did not finish this in class, it becomes homework. We finished class learning about the Magna Carta.  You received a worksheet that will be turned in on Monday (if you did not finish, it will become homework) 

Homework: Make sure that page 4 of your packet is complete and be ready to turn in your Magna Carta assignment Monday! 
Today's reading is a make up day :) and tomorrows readings are Chapter 10 Lesson 2  I would strongly suggest that you get going on your test reviews (pages 10-13 in your packet) 
Your test is coming up Nov 8/9

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25

Journal #1: What freedoms are you willing to give up for protection?

In Class: Today we did a quick review of the role of the Catholic church in medieval times as well as feudalism (you should have read about this already)---
**if you need more info check out the video I posted below :)

You were given your new packets! Please don't try to use the book to fill these out... it won't work. We will work on them together in class! You worked in groups and completed page 4 of your packet (if absent you can find all of the materials you need under the Unit 4 tab--- you'll need England, Russia, Spain, France and forming Euro nations instructions)  If you did not finish this in class, it becomes homework.

Homework: Make sure that page 4 of your packet is complete! Reading for today is Chapter 12 Lesson 4 and tomorrows reading is a make up day.  I would strongly suggest that you get going on your test reviews (pages 10-13 in your packet) Your test is coming up Nov 8/9

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23/24

I am back! Welcome to World History.... again

In Class:  we essentially did another 'welcome' day; you filled out a get to know you form (if absent come pick one up from me ASAP or you can find it under the class documents tab and print one out yourself)

We went over my disclosure document, syllabus as well as my class expectations.  If you need another copy of these documents you will find them under the 'Class Documents' tab.

An important theme we will be exploring this year are the skills of historians :) we started to discuss what these skills are and why they are important.  Over the course of the year we will continue to delve deeper into these important skills and you will have several opportunities to practice them! I gave you a worksheet (also found under the class docs tab) introducing these skills that you turned in or will turn into me by Wednesday.

Homework: If you haven't turned in your get to know you form and/or skills of a historian worksheet they are due next class period.  You also have reading assignments found on your syllabus:
Monday: Chapter 10 Lesson 1
Tuesday: Chapter 12 Lesson 1

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31-June 2


Today we began finals (1,2,7th periods) Tomorrow (3rd, 6th) and Friday (4th, 5th)
Below you will find the link to the Kahoot review game if you would like some further review :)

Thank you for a great year- I hope that you learned something valuable.... aside from dates, names, places but skills as well. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors and I hope to see you around next year! Have a fantastic summer, be safe, make smart choices, and relax! 

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30

Today in class we played Kahoot! to review for your upcoming final this week :) 
Here is the link if you were absent, or would like some more review

The schedule for finals is as follows: 

Wednesday: 1, 2, 5 (study hall) 7 
Thursday: 3 & 6
Friday: 4 & 5

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26

Today you worked on your final reviews! Next week Tuesday will be another review day.... W.Th.F finals and then..... SUMMER!!!! 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24/25

Journal #: No Journal  

In Class:  Today you turned in your packets in with test review + grading rubric then began the test.  If you were absent you will make the test up the day you return! I passed out the final review for you to begin! 

Homework: Prepare for FINAL! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23

Journal #: No Journal  

In Class:  Today we took the class period to prepare for your Unit 14 TEST: test schedule for this week is as follows
1st period: Friday 
2nd period: Tuesday 
3rd period: Thursday 
4th period: Thursday 
5th period: Tuesday


Homework: Prepare for TEST

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22

Journal #5: What do you know about the crisis in Syria?

Activity:  Syria- if you were absent, make sure that you pick up the note sheet! 


Homework: Catch up day----REVIEW FOR TEST. Tomorrow we will be reviewing for your upcoming test this week so please prepare :) 

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 19

 Journal #4: List as many things as you can that you associate with 9/11? What is one question you have about what happened?

Activity:  Today we went over the 9/11 timeline of events- you also turned in your 9/11 interview assignment.


Homework: Chapter 35 Lesson 1-4

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17/18

Journal: None

Activity:  Today in class we watched ESPN 30 for 30: Once Brothers.  You filled out your Note Packet: page 6; you learned about the conflict in Yugoslavia as well as the issues of Balkanization. If you were absent you can find this video on Netflix or I have posted it below


Homework: Catch up Day! + 9/11 Interview! This will be due on FRIDAY!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16

Journal #3: What is the most interesting part of World History you’ve learned about this year?

In Class:  Today we went over the end of cold War + Revolutions.  You filled out your  Note Packet: page 5


Homework: Chapter 34 Lesson 4 + 9/11 Interview! This will be due on FRIDAY!

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15

Journal #2: Who should be exempt from the draft? Should people who believe the war is wrong be forced to fight? Should people with special skills be exempt? How can a draft be made fair?

In Class:  Today we did VIETNAM STATIONS- you filled out your Note Packet: pages 3-4.  If you were absent, you will need to come in to work on this during tutor time! 
Begin by introducing the LT.


Homework: Chapter 34 Lesson 3

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12

Today we started OUR LAST UNIT! You got your New Packet + Review

Journal #1: If you could ask the President 1 questions, what would it be and why?
Lecture:  Today we compared the Korean and  Vietnam Wars.  You filled out your Note Packet: pages 1-2; and completed the Venn diagram comparing the two wars

Homework: Chapter 34 Lesson 2

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 10/11

Today is TEST DAY!

In Class: Turn packets in with test review + grading rubric.  We played a  Review Game then you took your test! 

IF ABSENT: you will have until Wednesday May 17 2:50 PM to make the test up! 

Homework: Chapter 34 Lesson 1  

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 9

Journal: No Journal

In Class:  Today we Finished up the 4 review questions on page 5 of your packet as well as section 4 of notes (50s culture). For the rest of class your made sure your packets were completed and ready to turn in (Learning targets, journals, notes etc.) and worked on your reviews which you will turn in with your packets next class period! 

Homework: Prepare for test next class period!  

The Cold War
38th Parallel
Ethel Rosenberg
Nikita Khrushchev
Alger Hiss
The Hollywood 10
Mao Zedong
Fidel Castro
Julius Rosenberg
U2 Incident
Warsaw Pact
Joseph McCarthy
Lyndon Johnson
Bay of Pigs

________________ 1. He claimed to have lists of communists and used it to gain power in the Senate.

________________ 2. Military alliance of democratic countries opposed to communism.

________________ 3. American organization that made many covert actions abroad against communism.
________________ 4. When an American spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union and the pilot was captured.
________________ 5. American policy begun by President Truman to stop the spread of communism.

________________ 6. He was the communist leader of China who aided Korea and Vietnam against the US.
________________ 7. The US tried to invade Cuba here, but it failed and was an embarrassment.

________________ 8. This was the line dividing North and South Korea after the war.

________________ 9. He was executed for giving atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

________________ 10. If you were accused of being communist, this could happen and you could not find a job.
________________ 11. Leader of the Soviet Union during the 1950’s-1960’s.

________________ 12. She was executed but most likely was innocent of giving secrets to the Soviet Union.
________________ 13. They were blacklisted and could not get work after refusing to name names over communism
________________ 14. Soviet satellite that flew through space sending beeps across the world.

________________ 15. American policy of President Kennedy to come close to war with communists.

________________ 16. Member of the State Department and United Nation representative accused of being a Soviet spy.
________________ 17. Alliance of communist countries led by the Soviet Union.

________________ 18. He overthrew Gen Batista in Cuba and created a communist government.

________________ 19. American president who took office when Kennedy was assassinated and escalated the Vietnam War

________________ 20. They investigated communism in the United States and forced people to testify against others

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8

Journal #5: How do you think the President should respond if another country is aggressive towards us?  
In Class:  Today we learned about the Cuban Missile Crisis + Euro revolutions.  You filled out your Note Packet: pages 7-8 (SECTION 5 OF NOTE PACKET)


Homework: Prepare for test this week!

 *** If you haven't turned in your Parallel Journeys book you have until this Friday.... otherwise you will be fined

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5

Journal: None

In Class:  Today we learned about the Space Race! You completed a Space Race Timeline + Article; if you were absent, you will need to come in before school/tutor time to make this up


Homework: Chapter 33 Lesson 1--- start preparing for the test.... its coming up next Wed/Thurs

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3/4

** 1st, 3rd, 5th periods! Today was a LONG class period so we did everything under the May 2nd date as well as today's date**

Journal #4: Do you want a family later in life? Kids? How many?

In Class:  Today we had our class party all about 50s Culture :) You filled out your note Packet: pages 5-6 (SECTION 4 OF NOTE PACKET. We ended by watching a Leave it to Beaver episode and you filled out page 9 of your packet.  If you were absent, you need to watch a TV show filmed during the 1950s and fill page 9 of your packet out! 


Homework: Chapter 33 Lesson 2

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2

Journal #3: What is the best memory from your childhood?
In Class:  Today we continued with the Cold War; we talked about foreign affairs and how the Cold War affected Americans.  You took notes on pages 3-4 (SECTION 3 OF NOTE PACKET)

Homework: Chapter 31 Lesson 3 

**REMEMBER: extra credit food/clothing will be WED/THURS this week. 

****WWII TEST: the absolute last day to make the test up will be WEDNESDAY this week! 

Monday, May 1, 2017

May 1

Journal #2: Do you think the US should step in to ‘contain’ communism from spreading?  

In Class:   Today we continued learning about the beginning of the Cold War; you filled out your Note Packet: pages 2-3 (SECTION 2 OF NOTE PACKET) We also talked about the Berlin Wall and you worked Containment and the Truman Doctrine Worksheet. (if you were absent, you can come pick one up tomorrow) 


Homework: Catch up Day 

Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28

 Today we started our new unit COLD WAR! You got your new packets + reviews

Journal #1: What fears do the American public have today?
In Class:  We started our Cold War game (extra credit opportunity) You drew which team you would be on for our class competition (US or USSR) if you were absent, you will find out on Monday! 
-          Ways to earn points:
A. 1 point for each student who is in class on time. -1 point for every tardy student.
B. 1 point for each student who completes tasks and homeworks

-          C. Various points awarded for class competitions.

-          D.Extra credit for each student who brings a 1950s food/dish on May 3/4.
I'm not expecting main dish meals--pick a drink or appetizer or dessert or your Grandma's classic Jell-O dish.

-          E. Extra credit for each student who comes to class dressed in 1950s style on May 3/4. *Dont’ forget about Greasers!

Please note: I'm not expecting you to go all out or spend a lot of money on these last two point opportunities. This is supposed to be a fun way to get into the decade and compete.
You started your new Note Packet: pages 1 (SECTION 1 OF NOTE PACKET)  and you completed the Comparing Economies worksheet (if absent you can pick one up Monday)

Homework: Chapter 31 Lesson 2

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25

Journal: No Journal

In Class:  Today in class we went over the war Results; you filled out your Note Packet: page 13-14 (SECTION 10 OF NOTE PACKET).  We also finished Parallel Journey's in class.  You took a quiz and turned in your reading logs :) 

Homework: Prepare for TEST! Your test is next class period, so please make sure that you have prepared; we will play a short review game prior to taking the test. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24

Journal #7: How should we deal with spies and people who commit treason against the US?  

In Class:  Today in class we wrapped up WWII and discussed the Nuremberg trials; you filled out your Note Packet: page 13 (SECTION 9 OF NOTE PACKET) Your PJ reading log was checked off and we did a Nuremburg Trials Activity on page 17 in your packets; if you were absent, you will need to come in before school/during tutor time to complete this activity. 


Homework: Prepare for TEST! Your test is coming up this week, so please start reviewing :) 

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21

Journal #6: When do you think the use of Atomic bombs is appropriate?  

In Class:  Today we went over the development of the A Bomb; you filled out your Note Packet: page 12 (SECTION 8 OF NOTE PACKET) and I checked off your Parallel Journey reading logs. We also did an activity using Primary sources to better understand the opposing views behind the development of the A-bomb; if you were absent, come and see me Monday for the make-up assignment. 

Homework: Parallel Journeys chapter 22

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19/20

Journal #5: What are the Consequences of Inaction 

In Class:  Today we learned about the Holocaust; you each represented someone who experienced this horrible event in history and at the end of class found out your fate. You filled out your Note Packet: pages 11-12 (SECTION 7 OF NOTE PACKET) Chapter 17-18 of your readings were checked off and you took PJ quiz #2. 


Homework: Parallel Journeys chapters 19-21